New crosvm presubmit tool

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Dennis Kempin

Mar 10, 2023, 2:23:03 PM3/10/23
to, crosvm-dev

Hi all,

I have rolled out a new presubmit tool for crosvm that greatly simplifies, and speeds up running presubmit checks. 

The main improvements are:

  • Fast, parallel execution

  • Runs the exact same steps as Luci

To run checks that cover most things, but complete quickly:

   tools/dev_container tools/presubmit

This runs tests for mingw64, aarch64, x86 as well as clippy, cargo doc and health checks in ~45 seconds for small incremental changes. 

Luci uses the same tool, and you can copy/paste the command from Luci build results to run the same check locally:

Check tools/presubmit --help for a full list of supported checks or groups of checks. For example to run truly all checks that CI is running:


   tools/dev_container tools/presubmit --no-delta all

I hope this makes development a little smoother!


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