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chromium clang error

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vishal bs

Mar 6, 2020, 5:48:58 AM3/6/20
to Clang maintainers
I'm trying to compile an old webrtc media server on windows 10 VS2019  with chromium. Whenever I try to build my media server, it gives me the given error. 
To build chromium I'm using:
gn gen out/debug --sln=chrome --filters=//media/gpu/* --ide=vs2019 --no-deps --args="is_component_build = true is_debug = true is_clang=true enable_nacl=false"

And the Error when I build my webrtc server is:
Error C1189 #error: "Only clang-cl is supported on Windows, see"   Server  D:\projects\chromium-src\src\base\compiler_specific.h   13  

Nico Weber

Mar 6, 2020, 6:42:53 AM3/6/20
to vishal bs, Clang maintainers
The error is emitted if Visual Studio's compiler is used. Using it is not supported.

However, you do say "is_clang=true", so the build shouldn't be using Visual Studio's compiler. You need to figure out why it's getting used.

How old is "old"? I'm guessing your checkout is some strange state somehow.

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vishal bs

Mar 6, 2020, 7:04:42 AM3/6/20
to Clang maintainers,
Thanks for your reply, Firstly let me explain what I'm up-to and how I'm doing it.

1) I have an old webrtc media server which was written for 2017 checkout of webrtc and chromium.
2) What my intention is I have the latest checkout of webrtc and chromium and I want make the same media server to work with these latest checkouts.
3) I have made the necessary changes to the old media-server such that all deprecated calls have been replaced with the current implementation.
4) Whenever I try to build my webrtc-media server I'm getting this error.

The command I'm using to build chromium is this 
gn gen out/debug --sln=chrome --filters=//media/gpu/* --ide=vs2019 --no-deps --args="is_component_build = true is_debug = true is_clang = true enable_nacl = false"


-C out/debug media/gpu

Is there anything wrong In this and I hope you got what is my goal.
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Nico Weber

Mar 6, 2020, 7:43:53 AM3/6/20
to vishal bs, Clang maintainers
Does your server use Chromium's new base/ code, but Chormium's old build/ files? If so, try updating the build/ folder.

But this seems off-topic for this list. Since you say the error happens while building webrtc code, maybe ask on some webrtc forum.

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vishal bs

Mar 6, 2020, 7:46:24 AM3/6/20
to Clang maintainers,
Yes my server uses the new chromium codebase and webrtc new chromium codebase. As I didn't get any response in any other forum I thought of posting it here.
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vishal bs

Mar 10, 2020, 2:38:11 AM3/10/20
to Clang maintainers
I dono why this is happening can anyone suggest on how to link custom clang binary to my visual studio such that it compiles. I have installed LLVM clang but im not sure how to set visual studio 2019 to use clang. 
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