HFL AlphaViril Reviews - Does It Really Work to Boost Testosterone Levels? Read

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jesica jully

Dec 9, 2023, 7:26:22β€―AM12/9/23
to Chromium-reviews

With aging (which is probably something you want to stop but definitely can’t) comes a lot of changes in the body. One particular effect of aging is the continual decrease of testosterone levels among men.

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AlphaViril Review: Do You Really Need It?

With aging (which is probably something you want to stop but definitely can’t) comes a lot of changes in the body. One particular effect of aging is the continual decrease of testosterone levels among men.

Since you are reading this, you are probably at that certain age when men start to look at testosterone ads that claim to increase the said hormone’s production, improve libido, and increase muscle mass & strength.

Well, kudos to those companies because the ads have been doing their job well. In fact, the amount of testosterone prescription in all of the country tripled since 2001, skyrocketing to 7.2 million in 2013.

Out of those prescriptions, 70 percent were written for men aged 40-60 years. Hence, the sales for testosterone-related treatments or supplements went up to 2.2 billion dollars, according to an article published by the American Medical Association in 2017.

Due to testosterone’s publicity, it comes with no shock at all how many testosterone boosters go in and out of the market today.

And pretty much every single one of them claim to be the best. Unfortunately, not every single one of them lives up to its claim.

Because some companies are really good at marketing, many people get tricked. Don’t let yourself be one of them.

We have chosen one well-known product out there that deserves to get an honest review. It’s called AlphaViril, and it claims to be an all-in-one, natural solution for men.Β 

Now, that’s a pretty huge claim, so we have to dig deep into what this product really offers.

Without further ado, let’s start with what AlphaViril is.

What is AlphaViril?

AlphaViril is an enhancement product claiming to promote testosterone production and increase sexual libido. Created twenty years ago by Dr. Sam Robbins, AlphaViril has been known for its long-standing formula.

In fact, the company that manufactures the product, HFL (Health, Fitness, Longevity) Solutions Incorporated claims that AlphaViril is the only product that’s been formulated by a real hormone specialist.

The product also adheres to its 5-in-1 tagline:

Higher levels of positive hormones (total & free testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone) for higher muscle mass, less belly fat, increased llibido & improved well-being.

Lower levels of negative hormones (dihydrotestosterone and cortisol) for less body fat and balding, and better overall mood.

Improved blood flow and circulation for bigger, harder, and prolonged erections.

Increased neurotransmitters (dopamine and adrenaline) for higher energy and happiness.

Optimal levels of the youth hormone & reduced adaptation for a healthy, young glow and less wrinkles.

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How AlphaViril works

Alphaviril mainly works by balancing the sex hormones inside your body.Β 

Raising the level of only one hormone might cause other bad hormones to increase as well, so a good balance of all the important hormones must be achieved. And AlphaViril helps you do just that.

Negative hormones also increase as men age. One example of a negative hormone is dihydrotestosterone. This hormone causes hair loss and prostate issues.

AlphaViril works by reducing this hormone. As a result, balding is prevented and your potential for prostate diseases such as prostate cancer is significantly reduced.

Another negative hormone affecting your performance is cortisol. This hormone is responsible for stress. It can cause fat gain, which results to muscle loss.

You might also find yourself feeling more anxious because of it. AlphaViril works by reducing your cortisol levels.

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The ingredients

AlphaViril has seven blends, all of which are composed of various ingredients:

Testosterone Optimizer

Testofen Fenugreek Extract: mainly increases libido, sexual performance, and testosterone levels. It also improves insulin function, lowers bad cholesterol, and increase energy levels.

Avena Sativa Extract: mainly works as a mild sexual drive booster, but can also reduce insomnia.

Tongkat Ali Extract: a type of Malaysian ginseng which was traditionally used as an aphrodisiac. It improves erectile function, libido, and semen count. It can also help promote weight loss.

Maca Root: improves libido, fertility, and decreases potential for erectile dysfunction.

LH, FSH, SHBG Optimizer

Tribulus Terrestris Extract: promotes the release of the luteinizing hormone, which signals the testes to produce more testosterone.

Stinging Nettle: balances dihydrotestosterone levels.

Ginger Extract: increases the production of luteinizing hormone and reduces the follicle stimulating hormone.

PDE-5 & Nitric Oxide Optimizer

Xanthoparmelia scabrosa: an aphrodisiac, which also helps inhibit erectile dysfunction.

L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate: promotes blood flow to the penis.

Stress & Cortisol Inhibitor

Horny Goat Weed: cures erectile dysfunction, increases energy, and improves memory.

Sensoril Ashwagandha Extract: lowers stress levels, improves concentration, and increases sperm count.

Female Hormone Inhibitor

White Button Mushroom Extract: decreases estrogen levels.

Vitex agnus castus: promotes the release of the luteinizing hormone and also decreases estrogen levels.

DHT Inhibitor

Zinmax Zinc Picolinate: lowers the production of DHT.

Dopamine Optimizer

Macuna pruriens: improves overall mood, mental clarity, concentration, and sleep quality.

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The pros

AlphaViril is a non-GMO and gluten-free product, which makes it suitable for vegetarians.

AlphaViril is certified by third parties.

AlphaViril offers 100 dollars on top of the 100% refund if proven not effective.

AlphaViril’s ingredients are all science-based.

AlphaViril is not like steroids, so it is totally safe.

AlphaViril does not cause drug dependence or addiction.

AlphaViril is a product of decades of research.

AlphaViril does not simply deal with the physical aspect, it helps improve mental health as well.

The cons

AlphaViril might cause a slight headache upon first take.

AlphaViril cannot be taken along with other supplements.

AlphaViril’s customer service takes a long time to respond sometimes.


AlphaViril is an excellent product that stands out of the crowd composed of many male enhancement products because it is all-natural and safe.

The product also seems to be highly legitimate, with 72,000 satisfied customers attesting to that. However, the company’s customer service must be improved.

Overall, AlphaViril shows a lot of potential in helping men all over the world lead more fulfilling lives. After all, the fact that AlphaViril was created by a hormone expert after decades of research is proof enough that this product is worth the try.

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