Unable to generate deb package

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Ho Cheung

Apr 6, 2023, 3:01:58 AM4/6/23
to chromium-packagers
I am trying to compile chromium for linux on an ubuntu 22.04 system using the following args parameters, but I encounter an error when generating the deb package, how do I fix it?

args parameters:
google_api_key = "no"
google_default_client_id = "no"
google_default_client_secret = "no"
target_os = "linux"
target_cpu = "x64"
enable_linux_installer = true
enable_distro_version_check = false
is_official_build = true
is_debug = false
enable_stripping = true
dcheck_always_on = false
exclude_unwind_tables = true
enable_iterator_debugging = false
disable_fieldtrial_testing_config = true
enable_reporting = false
enable_resource_allowlist_generation = false
enable_profiling = false
is_component_build = false
symbol_level = 0
enable_nacl = false
optimize_webui = true
enable_webui_tab_strip = true
is_clang = true
treat_warnings_as_errors = false
# llvm_force_head_revision = true
use_lld = true
use_icf = true
is_cfi = true
v8_symbol_level = 0
v8_enable_fast_torque = true
v8_enable_builtins_optimization = true
use_v8_context_snapshot = true
blink_symbol_level = 0
enable_precompiled_headers = false
media_use_ffmpeg = true
media_use_libvpx = true
enable_hls_sample_aes = true
enable_hls_demuxer = true
enable_ink = false
enable_discovery = true
enable_cros_media_app = false
proprietary_codecs = true
ffmpeg_branding = "Chrome"
clang_use_chrome_plugins = true
enable_ffmpeg_video_decoders = true
is_component_ffmpeg = true
use_webaudio_ffmpeg = false
use_webaudio_pffft = true
use_vaapi = true
enable_library_cdms = true
enable_widevine = true
bundle_widevine_cdm = false
enable_cdm_host_verification = false
ignore_missing_widevine_signing_cert = true
enable_media_drm_storage = true
enable_hangout_services_extension = true
rtc_use_h264 = true
rtc_include_ilbc = true
rtc_build_examples = false
rtc_enable_avx2 = true
enable_vr = true
use_vr_assets_component = true
enable_platform_hevc = true
enable_hevc_parser_and_hw_decoder = true
enable_platform_ac3_eac3_audio = true
enable_platform_dolby_vision = true
enable_platform_encrypted_dolby_vision = true
enable_platform_mpeg_h_audio = true
enable_platform_dts_audio = true
enable_mse_mpeg2ts_stream_parser = true
use_text_section_splitting = true
use_thin_lto = true
thin_lto_enable_optimizations = true
chrome_pgo_phase = 2
pgo_data_path = "/home/ho/chromium/src/chrome/build/pgo_profiles/chrome-linux-main-1680652731-bba9e363d101581c3e88a87a29144d21b9c2b45f.profdata"

error messages:
/usr/bin/python3 /home/ho/depot_tools/ninja.py -C out/chromium/ chrome chrome/installer/linux:unstable_deb -j12 -d stats
ninja: Entering directory `out/chromium/'
[1 processes, 1/2 @ 0.0/s : 25.133s ] ...deb(//build/toolchain/linux:clang_x64)
FAILED: chromium-browser-unstable_114.0.5697.0-1_amd64.deb
python3 ../../build/gn_run_binary.py installer/debian/build.sh -a amd64 -c unstable -d chromium -o . -s ../../build/linux/debian_bullseye_amd64-sysroot -t linux -f
ERROR: Found binaries with RPATH set: chrome-management-service chrome
installer/debian/build.sh failed with exit code 1
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

Raphael Kubo da Costa

Apr 6, 2023, 7:08:59 AM4/6/23
to chromium-...@chromium.org, uiop...@gmail.com
Op Wed, 5 Apr 2023 22:21:37 -0700 (PDT)
Ho Cheung <uiop...@gmail.com> schreef:

> error messages:
> /usr/bin/python3 /home/ho/depot_tools/ninja.py -C out/chromium/
> chrome chrome/installer/linux:unstable_deb -j12 -d stats
> ninja: Entering directory `out/chromium/'
> [1 processes, 1/2 @ 0.0/s : 25.133s ]
> ...deb(//build/toolchain/linux:clang_x64)
> FAILED: chromium-browser-unstable_114.0.5697.0-1_amd64.deb
> python3 ../../build/gn_run_binary.py installer/debian/build.sh -a
> amd64 -c unstable -d chromium -o . -s
> ../../build/linux/debian_bullseye_amd64-sysroot -t linux -f
> ERROR: Found binaries with RPATH set: chrome-management-service chrome
> installer/debian/build.sh failed with exit code 1
> ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

Isn't this basically

Ho Cheung

Apr 6, 2023, 7:27:57 AM4/6/23
to Raphael Kubo da Costa, chromium-...@chromium.org
Yes, I had the same problem.

Raphael Kubo da Costa <raphael.ku...@intel.com> 於 2023年4月6日週四 下午7:08寫道:
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