On 10/10/23 10:34 -0400, Dana Jansens wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 2:59 AM Gabriel FORTE <
gfo...@wyplay.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Since M117, publish_tarball has been packing the rust source tree in
> > //third_party/rust-src (which is fine), but also keeping a full git clone
> > of its repo in //third_party/rust-src/.git which effectively doubled the
> > final tarball size between 116 and 117 (1.5GB to ~3GB)
> >
> > If there's no specific use case to keeping the whole rust commit history
> > in //third_party/rust-src/.git, would you mind removing it before packing
> > the tarballs ?
> >
> Right, the git repo is used during the bootstrap, so it has to be there
> unfortunately, unless we were to replace a bunch of the upstream bootstrap
> steps, which would be a very large maintenance burden.