Hello, dont mind my funny name. Ive been having issues with my kasumi board chromebook, specifically that it wont boot GalliumOS. I installed galliumOS using chrx, and chrx did all the necessary partitioning, and even told me it sucessfully installed galliumOS. Afterwards, i followed standard procedure: restart my chromebook, press ctrl+l, and boot into galliumOS through the legacy BIOS. However, instead of booting into galliumOS, I would be greeted with a white screen saying "alternative boot menu" in black text. Upon further inspection, it seems that pressing "1" on this screen being me to the standard grub menu, and that pressing "2" on this menu brings me to some sort of startup shell. Any numbers or or other keys beyond these will simply give me the rather aggresive two beeps, like the ones that happen when you press ctrl+l without SeaBIOS/legacy BIOS. I checked my partitions using ChromeOS and it was partitioned for galliumOS, so I do think it could be installed, but simply not booting. Sorry for the text wall, hope this give enough information👍.