No problem re. duplicates. And thanks for looking into the size
limits. It'd be really good if these limits were documented on the
Hosted App developer documentation. Packaged App docs identify a 10MB
limit; Hosted App docs should do the same.
Out of curiosity, what does the -1 error code mean? I ask because I
just got it again with my app, however reloading the page seems to
have eliminated it.
Actually, since I have your ear, are there any other limits that
you're aware of? Specifically, I have 10,000+ files in a single
directory for my app. It seems to work ok, but I'm wondering if I'm
pushing the upper bounds of what's possible, and if so would prefer to
know before I run into it.
On Apr 2, 5:50 am, Michael Nordman <> wrote:
> Yup, 108MB exceeds the max size that the system will accept for an
> individual file in the current implementation. The current impl puts a max
> of 260MB on the appcache and derives the max size of an individual resource
> by dividing the overall max by 8.
> So the limit right now for an individual resource is about 32M.
> These numbers are way too low, I'll look into bumping them up, but for the
> time being those are the limits.
> (sorry for the dup messages garth, i keep forgetting to use my
> chromium.orgaddr when replying to the list)
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Michael Nordman <> wrote:
> > Yup, 108MB exceeds the max size that the system will accept for an
> > individual file in the current implementation. The current impl puts a max
> > of 260MB on the appcache and derives the max size of an individual resource
> > by dividing the overall max by 8.
> > So the limit right now for an individual resource is about 32M.