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Indexed db loop through table data and send it to server

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Dorababu Meka

Nov 18, 2021, 4:02:27 PM11/18/21
to Chromium HTML5
Hi all I have few tables where I am syncing data to server on a timely basis. I have 3 tables where the data has a relation to other table. I know the db is not relational but this is how I created

    TableAId  Column1 Column2 
           1                xyz          ABC 
            2               PQR         TCG

    TableBId TableAId Column1 Column2 
           1             1              xyz           ABC 
            2            2              PQR          TCG

      TableCId TableBId Column1 Column2 
             1                1               xyz       ABC 
              2               1               PQR       TCG 

I have written some code to get all the data and send it to server one by one, the code is working when I have single row in each table. When I had the multiple rows the data is getting duplicated

This is the common method I wrote to get all the data

function getIndexeDbData(storeName, callback) {
        var myDB =; 
         myDB.onsuccess = function () { 
          try { 
              if (this.result.objectStoreNames.contains(storeName)) {                       
               this.result.transaction(storeName).objectStore(storeName).getAll().onsuccess = function (event) { callback(; }; } else { callback(false); } } catch (ex) { } }; }

This is how calling FormData syncFormData =new FormData();
unction SyncData() { getIndexeDbData("TableA", function (data) { $.each(data, function (i, tblAData) { FormData syncFormData = new FormData(); syncFormData.append('TableA.Column1', tblAData.Column1); syncFormData.append('TableA.Column2', tblAData.Column2); getTable2(tblAData.TableAId) }); }); } function getTable2(id) { getIndexeDbData("TableB", function (data) { var tblbData= data.filter(x => x.TableAId === id); syncFormData.append('TableB.Column1', tblbData.Column1); syncFormData.append('TableB.Column2', tblbData.Column2); getTable3(tblbData.TableBId); }); } function getTable3(id) { getIndexeDbData("TableC", function (data) { var tblCData= data.filter(x => x.TableBId === id); postToDb() // Where I am calling ajax to post to server }); }
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