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Question on linking with chromium?

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Michael Setzer II

Feb 12, 2022, 9:40:09 AM2/12/22
to Chromium HTML5
Use the email client Pegasus mail, and it currently doesn't fully handle all emails fully.
It has a built-in viewer that works with most regular messages, and has two other add-ons that have added some support. BearHtml and IErender.

IErender is linked to IE dlls, and with IE ending that is an issue.

Was just doing a test. Opend a message that was base64 encoded and had a number of utf-8 characters. The Pegasus decoded the base64 body to a file it creates in /user/user/Temp directory.
That file was able to open with the chromium-browser and displayed just fine.
Only issue that it was within a browser window versus in the email body of Pegasus.
Don't know if there would be a way to have the display window info display within the regular body window. Would seem to add more support.

Since IE is going away, seems rather than developing something with Edge or other things, the chromium might be a better option.

Pegasus also has an option to open message in browser, were it probable passes the same file from Temp directory to browser.

Was just an ideal. Perhaps there is sub-part of chromium that could be incorporated. Know the author of IERender, but don't know how it integrates.



Feb 12, 2022, 9:43:56 AM2/12/22
to Michael Setzer II, Chromium HTML5
This sounds like a Chromium (or more likely, Pegasus) development question rather than anything that is related to HTML or the web platform.

Chromium has the content API and there is also Electron or the Chromium Embedded Framework for embedding a rendering engine in other applications, so I think there are multiple ways to go about it already, but Pegasus is where the support should be implemented.

I suggest talking to Pegasus instead.


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Michael D. Setzer II

Feb 12, 2022, 10:12:34 AM2/12/22
to Chromium HTML5
I had already posted this to the Pegasus mailing list, but wasn't sure if there were options to have the chromium work with other programs. Their is one person that does the Pegasus mail program, and one person that does the BearHtml, and another that does the IERender.

For myself the built in viewer does about 90% of emails with no problem, but the TER editor used doesn't handle utf-8 or strange html. The add-ons can handle another 5%, but there are some that are just unreadable. Can then use option to open message in a web browser, that usually works fine, but requires loading another program and having to go back when done.

Pegasus does create some files in Temp Directory to pass data to these addons or just to decode messages that have various encoding (base64, mime, etc).

Example: In viewing a message that has base64 encoding, it creates a temp file that is then used by addons. I've manually used the chromium-browser to open the files, and it does a great job of displaying the files. Using the -app option makes a little cleaner screen, but still has browser. But both options open file, and display utf-8 and html code.
chromium-browser  --app=file:///home/msetzerii/.wine/drive_c/users/msetzerii/Temp/WPM\$EF4N.PM\$
chromium-browser /home/msetzerii/.wine/drive_c/users/msetzerii/Temp/WPM\$EF4N.PM\$

If choose open file in browser it creates a file with same temp name, but has HTM extenson. chromium can also open those fine.

Perhaps there is a chromium API that could be used that is similar to how the Bearhtml or IERender currently work.

Pegasus is a Windows program, but I run it via wine on Linux, so that is why file path is much longer.

This list looked like the closest to what I was looking for. Sure the developers would know a lot more of how the current add-ons work, and how an add-on with chromium might work. IERender uses IE dlls that are still included, but they are set to be phased out at some point.

Again. Thanks for info. Have a great day.

On 12 Feb 2022 at 14:43, PhistucK wrote:


Feb 12, 2022, 10:12:49 AM2/12/22
to Michael D. Setzer II, Chromium HTML5
So you want an API to use an existing installation of Chromium in Pegasus? I doubt that will ever be supported, but maybe.
chromium-discuss is where you can discuss/suggest general features.


On Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 3:07 PM Michael D. Setzer II <> wrote:
I had already posted this to the Pegasus mailing list, but wasn't sure if there were options to have the chromium work with other programs. Their is one person that does the Pegasus mail program, and one person that does the BearHtml, and another that does the IERender.

For myself the built in viewer does about 90% of emails with no problem, but the TER editor used doesn't handle utf-8 or strange html. The add-ons can handle another 5%, but there are some that are just unreadable. Can then use option to open message in a web browser, that usually works fine, but requires loading another program and having to go back when done.

Pegasus does create some files in Temp Directory to pass data to these addons or just to decode messages that have various encoding (base64, mime, etc).

Example: In viewing a message that has base64 encoding, it creates a temp file that is then used by addons. I've manually used the chromium-browser to open the files, and it does a great job of displaying the files. Using the -app option makes a little cleaner screen, but still has browser. But both options open file, and display utf-8 and html code.
chromium-browser  --app=file:///home/msetzerii/.wine/drive_c/users/msetzerii/Temp/WPM\$EF4N.PM\$
chromium-browser /home/msetzerii/.wine/drive_c/users/msetzerii/Temp/WPM\$EF4N.PM\$

If choose open file in browser it creates a file with same temp name, but has HTM extenson. chromium can also open those fine.

Perhaps there is a chromium API that could be used that is similar to how the Bearhtml or IERender currently work.

Pegasus is a Windows program, but I run it via wine on Linux, so that is why file path is much longer.

This list looked like the closest to what I was looking for. Sure the developers would know a lot more of how the current add-ons work, and how an add-on with chromium might work. IERender uses IE dlls that are still included, but they are set to be phased out at some point.

Again. Thanks for info. Have a great day.

On 12 Feb 2022 at 14:43, PhistucK wrote:

From:             PhistucK <>
Date sent:      Sat, 12 Feb 2022 14:43:18 +0000
Subject:         Re: [chromium-html5] Question on linking with chromium?
To:                 Michael Setzer II <>
Copies to:      Chromium HTML5 <>


Michael D. Setzer II

Feb 12, 2022, 1:29:30 PM2/12/22
to PhistucK, Chromium HTML5, Chromium HTML5
On 12 Feb 2022 at 15:12, PhistucK wrote:

From: PhistucK <>
Date sent: Sat, 12 Feb 2022 15:12:10 +0000
Subject: Re: [chromium-html5] Question on linking with chromium?
To: "Michael D. Setzer II" <>
Copies to: Chromium HTML5 <>

> So you want an API to use an existing installation of Chromium in Pegasus? I doubt
> that will ever be supported, but maybe.
> chromium-discuss is where you can discuss/suggest general features.
> PhistucK

Was more hoping that chromium already had some way
of doing it. Manually, I can have it do exactly what I'm
looking for, but it require manually running the
chromium-browser and it opens message in a separate
window rather than in a sub window of the Pegasus

Don't know details of the chromium beyond that it has
links with Chrome and Edge and perhaps even Firefox
and others.

Back in early 90's I had written an extension to the then
DOS version of Pegasus on Novell networks that
supported an uucp gate for sending and receiving email.
Like Pegasus it was completely Free, and was used by a
number of places around the world. Back then connecting
to what was the pre-internet was expensive. Connection
was $10/hr plus $0.45/1000 characters at 1200 buad.
Later had a local ISP setup, and 2 hours of uucp time was
$20/month. So, was a combination of my extension with
open source fxuucico program.

Since 2004, have been doing a disk imaging project that
uses kernels built from source, and a lot of other free
packages dialog, ncftp, busybox, and lots of linux
programs. So, combining resources that are already out
there. Perhaps just hoping something was out there.

Recall with C-Builder long ago, it had moduals you could
just drop on to form that would add many functions like
complete ftp service and compression.

Well. Thanks for your time.
Have a Nice Day.
Michael D. Setzer II - Computer Science Instructor
Guam - Where America's Day Begins
G4L Disk Imaging Project maintainer

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