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WebkitSpeechRecognition API 'network' error

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Nirmal Almara

Apr 14, 2016, 11:57:02 PM4/14/16
to Chromium HTML5

Google webkit speech api is not working in Electron app but works fine in standard browser environments. It throws 'network' under every circumstances which I've tested. This is happening only for the past few weeks as it was working fine previously. Could you update me on this issue? (whether google had deprecated the use of speech api in electron)

Thanks in advance,

Paresh Varde

Oct 5, 2016, 5:33:32 AM10/5/16
to Chromium HTML5
I am having same issue now. I had it working last week without any issues and it stopped all of sudden. Did you get it working? Any fix needed?

Nirmal Almara

Oct 10, 2016, 12:28:49 PM10/10/16
to Chromium HTML5
No, it's not working still. There is no fix to be done from our side. I think Google is trying to block the use of webkitSpeech in other shell environments except the browser as they are releasing cloud speech v1 soon.


Dec 12, 2023, 1:34:34 PM12/12/23
to Chromium HTML5, Nirmal Almara
yo guys sorry for interrupting did you fix this error? 

2016년 10월 11일 화요일 오전 1시 28분 49초 UTC+9에 Nirmal Almara님이 작성:

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