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Comparing Window references: postMessage event.source

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adam strickland

May 15, 2024, 4:00:41 PM5/15/24
to Chromium HTML5
Hi there,

I have two sites on the same domain, but on different subdomains, where I need to pass postMessages between the two when one is iframed by the other.

One difficulty I've found is that (in the parent page) I can't always know what domains will be posting to me since sometimes the iframed site may do a 302 redirect to a different subdomain before it posts messages back.

Take this example:
Parent site:
iframed src:
redirected src:

In absence of the redirect, I would know to expect the origin to post back to me. But in the case of a redirect, I'm not able to programmatically check what the current origin of the iframe is (by <frame reference>.contentWindow.window.location) because it is a cross-origin frame and checking the current origin raises a DOMException.

My idea (in the subject) is to use the source attribute of postMessages events, which is a reference to the window that posted the message. In my testing, even if the iframe has redirected since I created it, the window reference I can access from my DOM is equal to the source's window reference. Specifically I was able to make this comparison (and it came back as true):
event.source.window == crossSiteFrame2.contentWindow.window

I have checked this in Chrome and Firefox so far successfully. Any idea if this is more broadly expected behavior (comparing window references, even across domain changes)?

Oliver Stewart

Dec 2, 2024, 2:55:36 AM12/2/24
to Chromium HTML5,

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