What offscreen document reason should I use for this?

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11:36 AM (4 hours ago) 11:36 AM
to Chromium Extensions
I need to do this in an offscreen document:

let img = new Image("...data url...")

What reason should I specify?

Oliver Dunk

11:39 AM (4 hours ago) 11:39 AM
to get.yo...@gmail.com, Chromium Extensions

Could you elaborate on the use case for doing this?

I also saw your messages about not being able to post here - sorry about that. We have a moderation queue for new authors and it can take a little longer for one of us to see it over the weekend. Any future messages you post should go through.

Oliver Dunk | DevRel, Chrome Extensions | https://developer.chrome.com/ | London, GB

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12:37 PM (3 hours ago) 12:37 PM
to Chromium Extensions, Oliver Dunk, Chromium Extensions, get.yo...@gmail.com
Thanks for fixing the auto-delete problem.
There's a mistake in the code. It should be like this:

let img = new Image(width, height)
img.src = ". . . DATA URL . . ."

I need to convert an image given as a data URL into the corresponding pixel data so I can paint it into an offscreen canvas. Then I will do additional manipulations on the canvas.


1:29 PM (2 hours ago) 1:29 PM
to Getfree, Chromium Extensions, Oliver Dunk
If you can convert the data URI to a Blob, you can create an ImageBitmap with it and draw it into the OffscreenCanvas, I think?
And then I suppose you have no need for an offscreen document.



2:12 PM (1 hour ago) 2:12 PM
to Chromium Extensions, PhistucK, Chromium Extensions, Oliver Dunk, Getfree
Sadly ImageBitmap doesn't support all image formats that HTMLImageElement supports, such as SVG images, so I cannot use it.
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