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CWS and search optimization

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Guilherme Oenning

Apr 14, 2024, 1:13:57 PM4/14/24
to Chromium Extensions

1. Is there any way to know what keywords are being used on CWS search? Something like websites have when using Google Search Console. I can see the impressions on developer portal, but it doesn't tell me much more than that.

2. What about the number of pages views originated from a CWS search? Is that visible when linking the extension to GA4?

3. Just curiosity now: did Google ever share how many searches are done on CWS per day/month?

If none of the above is possible, are there plans to add these? 


Patrick Kettner

Apr 17, 2024, 8:53:27 PM4/17/24
to Guilherme Oenning, Chromium Extensions
Hi Guilherme!

This is not something that is currently offered. I have brought up the idea to the team, and will certainly update the mailing list if there is a change to what data is available.

all the best!

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