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Hi Patrick,Thank you for your response. I was unaware that offscreen elements can only be created by background scripts. I have updated my coed accordingly - it may not be the best workaround right now. Still, now, my content script, after running the checkForVideoElement() function, sends a message to background.js, which in turn initiates the offscreen document. Here is my below code. Could you help me understand why background.js is throwing this error:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.updated content.js:
// Try to find the video element immediatelyif (!checkForVideoElement()) {// If not found, use a mutation observer to watch for changesconst observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {for (const mutation of mutationsList) {if (mutation.type === 'childList') {if (checkForVideoElement()) {// Stop observing once the video element is foundobserver.disconnect();break;}}}});// Start observing the document body for added nodesobserver.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });}function checkForVideoElement() {var video = document.querySelector("video");if (video) {console.log(video);if (video.currentTime <= 60) {console.log("Video found less than 60s");
chrome.runtime.sendMessage("runOffscreenTask");// creating offscreen document to play the custom sound// chrome.offscreen.createDocument({// url: chrome.runtime.getURL("offscreen.html"),// reasons: ["AUDIO_PLAYBACK"],// justification: "Playing Custom Sound"// }, () => {// chrome.runtime.sendMessage("playCustomSound");// });}return true;}return false;}background.js:chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function (tabId, info, tab) {if (info.status == "complete") {console.log("Tab updated");chrome.tabs.update(tabId, { muted: true });chrome.scripting.executeScript({target: { tabId: tabId },files: ['scripts/content.js']}, () => {console.log("Content script injected successfully");})// keep the tab muted until the custom Tudum sound has played + remainder of 8 secondschrome.storage.local.get("customTudumDuration", function (result) {let duration = result.customTudumDuration || 0;console.log("Duration of the custom Tudum sound: " + duration + "ms");setTimeout(() => {chrome.tabs.update(tabId, { muted: false });}, (8000 - duration));});}}});chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(async (message, sender, sendResponse) => {if (message === "runOffscreenTask") {await setupOffscreenDocument('offscreen.html');chrome.runtime.sendMessage("playCustomSound");}});let creating; // A global promise to avoid concurrency issuesasync function setupOffscreenDocument() {// Check all windows controlled by the service worker to see if one// of them is the offscreen document with the given pathconst offscreenUrl = chrome.runtime.getURL("offscreen.html");const existingContexts = await chrome.runtime.getContexts({contextTypes: ['OFFSCREEN_DOCUMENT'],documentUrls: [offscreenUrl]});if (existingContexts.length > 0) {return;}// create offscreen documentif (creating) {await creating;} else {creating = chrome.offscreen.createDocument({
url: chrome.runtime.getURL("offscreen.html"),reasons: ["AUDIO_PLAYBACK"],justification: "Playing Custom Sound",
});await creating;creating = null;}}