"This document requires 'TrustedHTML' assignment."

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Dustin Byers

Aug 29, 2024, 12:57:35 PMAug 29
to Chromium Extensions
Hi all,

I'm trying to use chrome.scripting.executeScript api with a variety of functions that have similar or the same code. I want to avoid having all this duplicate code, so I attempted to dynamically construct function steps by passing stringified functions as `args`. A greatly simplified sample below:

async function runSomeFunctions(tabId) {
  const func = async (getElStr, anotherFuncStr) => {
    // Transform the function string into an actual function
    const getElementFromStr = new Function('return ' + getElStr)();
    const anotherFuncFromStr = new Function('return ' + anotherFuncStr)();

    const el = getElementFromStr('div > imput');
    return el.value;

  const result = await chrome.scripting.executeScript({
    target: { tabId },
    world: chrome.scripting['ExecutionWorld'].MAIN,
    args: [getElement.toString(), anotherFunc.toString()],

  return result;

This generally works, but some sites were causing an error "This document requires 'TrustedHTML' assignment." or "This document requires 'TrustedScript' assignment." I found a workaround in a thread that does work, by adding:
```    if (window.trustedTypes && window.trustedTypes.createPolicy && !window.trustedTypes.defaultPolicy) {
      window.trustedTypes.createPolicy('default', {
        createHTML: string => string,
        // Optional, only needed for script (url) tags
        createScriptURL: string => string,
        createScript: string => string,

I'm concerned about this approach since I haven't found a way to remove the policy after I create it and the function is done - not to mention that it might get flagged/denied on submission to CWS. 

I know I can invoke some the functions through messaging to the content script, but I need it to happen in the service worker.

My questions are:
- Would this cause a rejection in CWS?
- If not, are there other risks?
- Is there another performant method to dynamically compose functions?

Oliver Dunk

Aug 30, 2024, 11:42:37 AMAug 30
to Dustin Byers, Chromium Extensions
Hi Dustin,

Creating a new policy to inject code on a site with trusted types should be ok. We don't have any policies that this would violate, and I think it is the best approach - certainly better than disabling trusted types entirely.

I would definitely be cautious about constructing functions that way. Could you import helper functions across different files in your source code and then use a bundler to create single files you can inject?

Oliver Dunk | DevRel, Chrome Extensions | https://developer.chrome.com/ | London, GB

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Dustin Byers

Sep 4, 2024, 4:52:44 PMSep 4
to Chromium Extensions, Oliver Dunk, Chromium Extensions, Dustin Byers

Thanks Oliver!

I could, but I thought that might be more of a pain to manage since I can't remove the files after injection, right?


Sep 5, 2024, 12:33:44 AMSep 5
to Chromium Extensions, Dustin Byers, Oliver Dunk, Chromium Extensions
How is injecting literal code any different? You can't "remove" it either.

If you want to let the GC to get rid of the code when it becomes unused, you can do it in both cases by putting the code inside an IIFE and unregistering the enclosed listeners:

(() => {
  addEventListener('click', foo);
  function foo() {
    if ('allDone') removeEventListener('click', foo);

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