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Rolling back from MV3 to MV2

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May 10, 2022, 12:08:57 PM5/10/22
to Chromium Extensions
As new listings for MV2 extensions can no longer be created in the Chrome Web Store, I wanted to ensure that it will still be possible to change a listing that was originally MV2 but updated to MV3, back to MV2 if needed.

The concern arises from the scenario that we would like to replace our MV2 extension with one that is MV3 compatible later this year, but release very incrementally using the staged rollout feature. As we wouldn't yet be forced to ship an MV3 compatible extension at this time, if any substantial enough anomalies are detected during the staged rollout to MV3, we want to make sure we have the ability to roll back the extension to MV2 if needed.

Simeon Vincent

May 11, 2022, 4:40:15 AM5/11/22
to bradcush, Chromium Extensions
Yep, if your extension started as MV2 and you migrated to MV3, Chrome Web Store will let you move back to MV2. 

Simeon Vincent
Developer Relations Engineer

On Tue, May 10, 2022, 9:09 AM bradcush <> wrote:
As new listings for MV2 extensions can no longer be created in the Chrome Web Store, I wanted to ensure that it will still be possible to change a listing that was originally MV2 but updated to MV3, back to MV2 if needed.

The concern arises from the scenario that we would like to replace our MV2 extension with one that is MV3 compatible later this year, but release very incrementally using the staged rollout feature. As we wouldn't yet be forced to ship an MV3 compatible extension at this time, if any substantial enough anomalies are detected during the staged rollout to MV3, we want to make sure we have the ability to roll back the extension to MV2 if needed.

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Sashank Gunda

Jan 6, 2025, 6:01:20 AMJan 6
to Chromium Extensions, Simeon Vincent, Chromium Extensions, bradcush, Arunkumar Mohan
With the new restrictions on uploading mv2 extenssions in place, Will I still be able to do the same. 

We are releasing an mv3 extension , how is the rollback procedure ? Can I upload a MV2 extension or rely on the earlier release?  

Please reply soon. Right now our mv2 is being block on the webstore for new users to download
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Oliver Dunk

Jan 6, 2025, 6:03:14 AMJan 6
to Sashank Gunda, Chromium Extensions, Simeon Vincent, bradcush, Arunkumar Mohan
Hi Sashank,

We haven't made any recent changes to the Chrome Web Store around the handling of Manifest V2 extensions.

You should be able to rollback in the same way Simeon described.

Oliver Dunk | DevRel, Chrome Extensions | | London, GB

Sashank Gunda

Jan 6, 2025, 9:00:48 AMJan 6
to Oliver Dunk, Chromium Extensions, Simeon Vincent, bradcush, Arunkumar Mohan
Thank you for the clarification. 

I'm writing to confirm our understanding of how the 0% rollout works for our unlisted Chrome extension update (version 2.3 to 3.0):

  1. When set to 0% rollout:
    • Version 3.0 is uploaded but not distributed to any users
    • All users, including trusted testers, continue to receive version 2.3
    • The update remains in a "staged" state until rollout percentage is increased
  2. To enable distribution of version 3.0:
    • Rollout percentage must be increased above 0%
    • Only then will trusted testers begin receiving version 3.0

Could you please confirm if this understanding is correct?
Specifically, we want to verify that trusted testers will not receive version 3.0 while rollout remains at 0%.

Thank you so much for your help.

Best regards,

Oliver Dunk

Jan 6, 2025, 9:36:25 AMJan 6
to Sashank Gunda, Chromium Extensions, Simeon Vincent, bradcush, Arunkumar Mohan
Hi Sashank,

One big caveat to mention is that **all** new installations of your extension while at 0% will receive 3.0. If you don't want this to happen, you'll need to instead submit your extension for review but without marking it to be immediately published. New installations ignore any percentage rollout configuration.

I wouldn't expect trusted testers to receive the update until the percentage is increased above 0%, at which point they will receive it with the same distribution as anyone else.

Oliver Dunk | DevRel, Chrome Extensions | | London, GB

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