Duplicate Extension for SEO Advantage?

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Ch Ext

Dec 26, 2022, 2:01:55 PM12/26/22
to Chromium Extensions
A couple of my competitor have been using duplicate extension for SEO advantage. What they are doing is launching the exact same extension under popular SEO keyword. 

When I say exact extension, this includes exact logo, exact UI/UX, exact code, and exact code update timeline.

In one case a competitor has 2 exact same extension and in the other case they have 5 duplicate extensions.

These are clearly against Google Spam rules and still they have not removed it after complaining 3 weeks back. What else can I do? What are the other option? 

It seems that people who are following the rules are getting clearly disadvataged here. Please help. 


Stefan Van Damme

Dec 26, 2022, 2:09:27 PM12/26/22
to Chromium Extensions, extention...@gmail.com
Hi there,

I understand your frustration about unfair competition.
Repetitive content is not allowed in the Chrome Web Store. In addition, only 1 stable and 1 beta Chrome extension is allowed in the Chrome Web Store.
Did you report it using the "abuse" link on that Chrome Web Store page?


Chrome Extension

Dec 26, 2022, 2:27:41 PM12/26/22
to Stefan Van Damme, Chromium Extensions
Hi Stefan,

Yes, I did report on the abuse link on both the extension pages. 

On top of that I made a pdf report showing the exact duplicate information and then submitted it on the one stop support page. I got a message that they will look into it, but nothing has been done yet. It has been 3 weeks. 

Is there anything else I can do? Will appreciate any help. 


Alexander Gerber

Feb 19, 2025, 6:46:58 PM (9 days ago) Feb 19
to Chromium Extensions, Chrome Extension, Chromium Extensions, Stefan Van Damme
Hi, I have noticed the same thing with duplicate extensions.
I submitted a report on the one stop support page weeks back and haven't heard anything. How long does it normally take to hear back?

Thanks so much.

Oliver Dunk

Feb 24, 2025, 3:29:39 PM (4 days ago) Feb 24
to Alexander Gerber, Chromium Extensions, Chrome Extension, Stefan Van Damme
Hi Alexander,

If you report an extension, we will usually only send a confirmation that your report has been received.

Unfortunately, we don't provide updates beyond that on the status of a report.
Oliver Dunk | DevRel, Chrome Extensions | https://developer.chrome.com/ | London, GB

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