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Increase in traffic - tracking change?

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Marina Guastavino

May 29, 2024, 4:08:08 AM5/29/24
to Chromium Extensions
Hello! I have noticed a huge increase in traffic during May from the stats from Google Chrome Store. I am refering to the Page views metric in the Impressions dashboard. 

However, if I look at the same information in GA4, I seem to be getting less traffic in May than in April.  

Has something changed in the Chrome store regarding how this traffic is measured?


Patrick Kettner

May 30, 2024, 5:46:45 PM5/30/24
to Marina Guastavino, Chromium Extensions
Hey Marina!
I am not aware of any issue - would you be able to share screenshots of what you are seeing so I can compare it to what our internal systems show? Feel free to send them to me directly if you aren't comfortable with posting them publically


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