After a bit of advice, we have received a violation warning around affiliate ads, specifically here is the content:
Ensuring responsible marketing and monetisation – affiliate ads:
- Violation: The extension does not properly disclose its use of affiliate programmes to the user.
- How to rectify: Modify your item's description and UI to properly inform users that you are using affiliate programmes.
- Relevant section of the programme policy:
- Any
affiliate programme must be described prominently in the product's
Chrome Web Store page, user interface and before installation. (learn more)
We run a browser extension for a cashback website - so very similar to Honey which has always been highly promoted by the Chrome Web Store. When I check Honey's description - I can see no such warning.
Is this a new rule - and if not, why are we receving this when an extension actively promoted by Chrome on the homepage do not have any text around affiliate links?
Secondly, we received this second warning:
- Violation: The extension automatically includes affiliate codes, links or cookies without a related user action.
- How to rectify:
Inclusion of affiliate codes must be preceded by a relevant action
taken by the user. This action must be related to the affiliated
platform such that a reasonable user would understand and consent to the
inclusion of said codes.
- Relevant section of the programme policy:
- Related user action is required before the inclusion of each affiliate code, link or cookie. (learn more)
However our extension does not do this (as without the user-action, the cashback would not track at all). Yet I am unsure how we can appeal about someone who has incorrectly given us a violation for something our extension does not do?
Would welcome any suggestions on how to tackle this?