Chrome Side Panel Minimum Width Adjustment - Any Progress?

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lu xiao

9:50 AM (2 hours ago) 9:50 AM
to Chromium Extensions
Dear Chrome Team,
I'm writing to inquire about the possibility of allowing users to adjust the minimum width of the side panel in Google Chrome. This issue has been reported by numerous developers, including myself, but we haven't received any official response regarding potential modifications.
The current minimum width of the side panel is too wide for many users, which is significantly impacting its adoption and usability. A large portion of my user base avoids using the side panel primarily due to this limitation.
Specific questions:

Is the Chrome team aware of this widespread request for an adjustable minimum width?
Are there any plans to implement this feature in future updates?
If not currently planned, what are the technical or design considerations preventing this adjustment?
Is there a specific channel or process for developers to provide more detailed feedback on this feature?

We understand that every feature request cannot be implemented, but given the frequency of this particular issue being raised, an official response would be greatly appreciated by the developer community.
Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to any updates you can provide on this matter.
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