How Long Should I Expect to Wait for the Chrome Extension "Featured" Badge Decision?

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Krzysztof Gniewek

Aug 13, 2024, 8:01:51 AMAug 13
to Chromium Extensions
Hello everyone,
I submitted my Chrome Web Store extension for self-nomination to receive the "Featured" badge on July 23, 2024. It's been three weeks now, and I haven't received any communication regarding whether my extension has been accepted or rejected for the badge.

A week earlier, I submitted another extension, and it was reviewed and accepted around the same time I submitted this current extension. However, I'm still waiting for any updates on the new extension.

I reached out to chromewebstore - dev - support @ google . com to check if everything is okay, but I haven't received any response yet.

I understand that the review process can take time, but I'm starting to wonder how long I should reasonably expect to wait for a decision. Also, in the case that my extension doesn't meet the criteria for the "Featured" badge, should I expect to receive a rejection notice? Has anyone else experienced a similar delay, or does anyone know what the typical timeline is for these reviews?

Thank you for your help.

Oliver Dunk

Aug 13, 2024, 8:08:48 AMAug 13
to Krzysztof Gniewek, Chromium Extensions
Hi Krzysztof,

Would you be able to share the extension ID and case ID for the item you are waiting on?

We don't have a set response time, but I would say it usually takes at most a couple of weeks. Your experience seems a little outside of what would be expected, so I'd be happy to take a look.

Oliver Dunk | DevRel, Chrome Extensions | | London, GB

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Krzysztof Gniewek

Aug 13, 2024, 8:35:48 AMAug 13
to Chromium Extensions, Oliver Dunk, Chromium Extensions, Krzysztof Gniewek

I submitted the following extension three weeks ago, but I haven't received any response yet:
ID:  lggplclnocekhieeegbifpiofggloaph

I also submitted this extension, which was approved after one week:

I plan to submit this extension after the current one receives the badge:

After submitting the extension, I received a confirmation message stating that it was submitted successfully, so I'm confident it went through. 

If this extension 'deserves' the badge I hope I won't have to wait six months, as you can only submit the same extension once every six months. By then, the algorithm could bury it.

Oliver Dunk

Aug 13, 2024, 10:38:15 AMAug 13
to Krzysztof Gniewek, Chromium Extensions
Hi Krzysztof,

Thanks for sharing those.

It is in the queue but it does look like it's been taking a while, so I've reached out to the team to see what is happening. I'll let you know when I hear back.

Oliver Dunk | DevRel, Chrome Extensions | | London, GB

Oliver Dunk

Aug 16, 2024, 8:00:07 AMAug 16
to Krzysztof Gniewek, Chromium Extensions
Hi Krzysztof,

I believe the review has been finished now - thanks for your patience :)

One thing the reviewers noted during the process was that they weren't able to get the desktop notifications working. I'm seeing the same issue. That might be worth taking a look at just in case there's a bug you can fix? We ignored it for the purpose of review though.

Oliver Dunk | DevRel, Chrome Extensions | | London, GB

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