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I submitted the following extension three weeks ago, but I haven't received any response yet:
Link: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/chatgpt-automatically-con/lggplclnocekhieeegbifpiofggloaph
I also submitted this extension, which was approved after one week:
Link: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/chatgpt-bottom-copy-code/kohaafgmbphenpkgbgaoinhiebojacnh
I plan to submit this extension after the current one receives the badge:
Link: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/chatgpt-conversation-tree/dikfamiegodmdamfmhecejnlahclddom
After submitting the extension, I received a confirmation message stating that it was submitted successfully, so I'm confident it went through.
If this extension 'deserves' the badge I hope I won't have to wait six months, as you can only submit the same extension once every six months. By then, the algorithm could bury it.