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Luke Schlather

Oct 4, 2010, 2:05:26 PM10/4/10
to Chromium-discuss

I'm the administrator for a network with around 30 users in the winter
and up to as many as 150 users in the summer. We are in a very remote
area, and share a single satellite link. As such, automatic updates
like Chrome's are somewhat taxing on our bandwidth.

However, I want to provide my users with the option of either Firefox
or Chrom(ium)(e) on their Windows/Mac/Linux machines, and I want to do
it with minimal use of bandwidth. For Linux mirroring the repository
is trivial. Is there an equivalent for Chrome? Can I run an update
mirror locally and push it out to my workstations (and possibly any
personal machines?)


Luke Schlather

Alessandro Menezes

Oct 4, 2010, 2:15:20 PM10/4/10
I don't know if there's a way to do what you need but you can always download the offline installer (the xxx.xx represents the version you want to download, 517.24 in case of the latest beta):

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Peter Beverloo

Oct 4, 2010, 2:17:53 PM10/4/10
to, Chromium-discuss
> --
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Hello Luke,

Running your own update server is not possible. Something you can do
is supply a single MSI file for all your users, which you can download
on the following location (for Windows):

I'm not sure about Linux and Mac OS X, certainly someone else has an
answer about that.

You would have to disable the auto-updater yourself however, you can
do that by following the instructions on this page:

Kind regards,
Peter Beverloo

Sig Weber

Oct 4, 2010, 8:45:06 PM10/4/10
to Chromium-discuss

Some Linux distributions have started to include Chromium in their
repositories. I am running Ubuntu 10.4 as we speak and it has in the
lucid-updates/universe repo. Not sure if this helps your Linux users,

Second, do you happen to operate your own firewall like pfSense? As a
temporary relief you could add outbound rules to deny access to the
url "", this appears to be the update server Google
Chrome is pinging (that's what I did on another computer running
Windows and Chrome).

Also, If you run a caching proxy like Squid I believe you could set up
a redirect for "" and with a bit of http sniffing
(that's what I did) you should be able to figure out how Chrome pulls
down new updates (IIRC, it pulls an installer.exe and runs it in the
background). That way you could mockup your own local update server
(if course unsupported by Google).

Finally, if you don't mind at all I'd rather recommend to switch to
Chromium, which does not have any built-in auto-update, and put up a
local Intranet page where you post the approved/latest builds of
Chromium (I usually pull them from here
for download and install (it's just a ZIP file which needs to be

Hope that helps!



Sig Weber

Oct 4, 2010, 9:31:49 PM10/4/10
to Chromium-discuss
On Oct 5, 2:45 am, Sig Weber <> wrote:
> Some Linux distributions have started to include Chromium in their
> repositories. I am running Ubuntu 10.4 as we speak and it has in the
> lucid-updates/universe repo. Not sure if this helps your Linux users,
> though...

Additionally, I found the following page outlining the Linux distros
and if they include Chromium:




Michael Herrmann

May 12, 2024, 5:42:04 PM5/12/24
to Chromium-discuss, Sig Weber
This is an old thread, but just to say that my company Omaha Consulting also offers a Chromium Update Server.
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