unread,Nov 19, 2023, 1:05:58 PM11/19/23Sign in to reply to author
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to Chromium-discuss, PhistucK, Chromium-discuss,
This is a long-standing issue re focus and DevTools.
Ran in to this testing asynchronous Clipboard API when DevTools is open.
There is also the issue that AudioWorkletGlobalScope is uninspectable on Chrome For Testing Version 121.0.6136.0 (Official Build) (64-bit).
Somebody added "Shared storage worklets" in chrome://inspect, no entry for AudioWorklets. This noting is logged to console for the AudioWorklet. Not the request on Network tab, not anything passed to console.log() from within the AudioWorkletGlobalScope. Completely unobservable in DevTools unless we post a message to the MessagePort in top window.
Firefox Nightly 121.0a1 (2023-11-18) (64-bit) prints to the console of the top main window that lanuched the Worklet.