SIGILL when WASM runs out of memory

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Flora Hill

Mar 7, 2024, 6:14:44 PMMar 7
to Chromium-discuss
I seem to be running into an issue with some WASM I'm developing. I'm currently bench-marking table sorting with large amount of rows. Firefox seems to absolutely eat up the 87k rows (9447637b) of csv data it parses, but chrome (chromium, edge, chrome) seems to just keel over and SIGILL after reaching >4gb of memory footprint.

I am wondering two things:
  1. Why on earth would chrome be using such an obscene amount of memory for such a reasonable task
  2. Why is chrome reporting a SIGILL, when memory is used up.

There might be some Wasm32 issue at play for the second as has been proposed by peers.
Attached is the sample rust code I'm using to load in CSV's (the csv lib fails also).
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