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Memory Saver

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Nov 14, 2023, 10:40:34 AM11/14/23
to Chromium-discuss
This is a question about the memory saver on Google Chrome Stable 119.0. I presume this works the same on Chromium but thought I would get a more informed answer here.

I have the memory saver enabled with no exclusions. There are no other "knobs" that I can see. The action I see is that tabs that I have visited a day ago show up with the sparkled icon in the tab bar, with a picture of the previous contents and an inactive and Memory Freed text when I mouse over it. 

I have a large number of tabs that I have not visited for a long time,  certainly well before the last restart. If I mouse over those the popup initially shows empty and a few seconds later adds a page image and then a memory usage number.

So my question is are these old tabs initially not using memory, and it is only by my mouse over hold that reloads them. I just want to be sure that chrome is being aggressive about memory saving and is not reloading all these tabs when  I restart. Is there a way to tell exactly which tabs are loaded, the old discard table just seem to hang when I invoke it. 
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