Recently, I am doing some image filtering on decoded video frames and I especially want it to work with high bit depth videos. However, I find that `new VideoFrame(video)` may be unimplemented/unsupported or somewhat broken for high bit-depth videos. So far I have tested three different setups, namely Linux x64 (with hardware-accelerated video decode disabled), Windows x64 (with and without hardware-accelerated video decode). The Linux x64 setup seems to give me the correct result - I get video frames of "I420P10" format (though I didn't test it with hardware-accelerated video decode enabled). On the other hand, neither of the two Windows setups gives me correct result - I get video frames of "null" format when hardware accelerated video decode is enabled and "NV12" format when hardware accelerated video decode is disabled. Here is the video track information of the test video from "chrome://media-internal" (but I think any 10-bit depth video should reproduce this problem).
[{"alpha mode":"is_opaque","codec":"hevc","coded size":"3840x2160","color space":{"matrix":"BT2020_NCL","primaries":"BT2020","range":"LIMITED","transfer":"SMPTEST2084"},"encryption scheme":"Unencrypted","has extra data":true,"hdr metadata":"unset","natural size":"3840x2160","orientation":"0°","profile":"hevc main 10","visible rect":"0,0 3840x2160"}]