Issue Tracker Migration, Feb 7th updates

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Joe Gregorio

Feb 8, 2024, 1:30:13 AM2/8/24

Hi everyone,

As we gather and process your feedback I'd like to share a few more tips for dealing with known rough spots:

Logged in with multiple accounts:

If you are signed into Google with multiple accounts (eg. and, the issue tracker will (like all google services) default to the first account you are signed in with. You can use the account switcher or manually add "/u/1" to the start of the URL path to switch to your secondary account. We understand this is frustrating and are exploring (b/323852545) options for automating this. Some users have found it helpful to switch to dark mode for one of their accounts so that they notice the difference, or to use separate Chrome profiles for their different accounts. 

Also, Matt Garrison, Buganizer PM, posted the following update on Public issue tracker overly strongly redirects to internal tracker:  

Thanks for escalating this issue / providing examples with details repro steps / offering workarounds

This issue spans a number of problems involving redirects with different root causes. Buganizer has prioritized / is actively investigating, will be plugging holes as we can. Sorry for the pain involved here -- expect a more comprehensive update later this week.

As always, reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Reminder that:

  • You can visit the FAQ here

  • You can file bugs about the Issue Tracker here 

  • We also encourage you to utilize the #issue-tracker slack channel for discussing tips and tricks with the new issue tracker.


   -joe, on behalf of the Chromium Issue Tracker team

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