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_bad_scm directory after Fetch Chromium

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Arnab Munshi

Nov 14, 2024, 4:28:35 PM11/14/24
to Chromium-dev
Hi community, 
I'm new to this project so I was trying to setup the project locally by following the instruction laid down in the docs and the previous chats. I'm currently using a windows machine and have already fetched the chromium code but I can see a directory "_bad_scm" in my "C:/src/chromium.." path.

I was wondering what's the reason behind this and also the name doesn't sounds good. I suspect it might be because of my not so stable internet connection and it took around 13 hrs to finish (1.7 MiB avg).

So, I would like to know whether I should fetch the code again, maybe this time with a faster and more stable connection or is it fine this way.

Thank You for you time and consideration.

Best Arnab

Check out the files and directories that appeared - 

Screenshot (148).png
Screenshot (149).png

Ho Cheung

Nov 18, 2024, 10:53:16 AM11/18/24
to Chromium-dev, Arnab Munshi

Your bad_scm folder contains third-party libraries that failed to be pulled or are abnormal. You can try to execute gclient sync again in the chromium/src directory. If an error occurs during the command execution, please re-execute the command until no error occurs.

After completing all the above, I think you can delete the bad_scm folder.

Arnab Munshi

Nov 18, 2024, 10:53:39 AM11/18/24
to Chromium-dev, Arnab Munshi
Also is it fine If I put the Chromium Repo and depot_tools in my "D:/" drive? Since, it's hogging up too much space in my C drive.

So, it will be like - Git install in my C drive while all the code and depot_tools related to chromium in my D drive.

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