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Do Chromium's default annotations to include any Personally Identifiable Information?

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Michael Xiang

Nov 7, 2024, 7:32:55 PM11/7/24
to Chromium-dev
As the subject above says, I'm having trouble finding documentation on what (if any) personal information could be included in a minidump from Chromium.

Does this fall under "Features that communicate with Google made available through the compilation of code in Chromium are subject to the Google Privacy Policy" on the Chromium Privacy page?


Jakob Kummerow

Nov 8, 2024, 5:09:57 AM11/8/24
to, Chromium-dev
Chromium never uploads minidumps, see

(That said, this is a technical mailing list about Chromium development. If your question is some aspect of "should I use a Chromium build as my personal web browser?", then (1) the answer is "no: Chromium is not meant to be a product used by end users", and (2) that's off-topic on this list.)



Nov 9, 2024, 1:21:50 PM11/9/24
to Chromium-dev, Jakob Kummerow, Chromium-dev,
> If your question is some aspect of "should I use a Chromium build as my personal web browser?", then (1) the answer is "no: Chromium is not meant to be a product used by end users", 

I've been using Chromium as a personal browser for years.

If you are concerned about PII *do not use* Web Speech API implementation on Chromium or Chrome. For webkitSpeechRecognition Chrome and Chromium (when you ferret Google API kets by any means into Chromium) records the users' voice (PII biometric data) and sends the users' voice to remote Google servers. The same is tru for text when the user uses Google voices - the text is sent to remote Google servers. In the meantime Google has shipped "AI" as a global object, and still not implemented Web Speech API (TTS and STT) locally, in the browser. Go figure...


Nov 11, 2024, 4:08:25 PM11/11/24
to Chromium-dev, guest271314, Jakob Kummerow, Chromium-dev,
Not sure...
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