If you don't use TabContents, you can stop reading this.
I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that as part of the
Content API, chrome will consume content's TabContents through an interface: content::WebContents. TabContents will eventually be renamed to WebContentsImpl, while TabContentsWrapper will become TabContents.
chrome code now only calls methods on TabContents that are in content::WebContents. If you're adding new methods to call from chrome, please stick to this as well.
I'm going through and changing the code in chrome to use a WebContents* instead of a TabContents*. I normally wouldn't send emails about this. But give how widely used TabContents is in chrome (> 400 includes), this work will take a few weeks to finish. In the meantime, you will see related functions or classes in chrome which use both TabContents and WebContents. That's only because it's impossible to switch everything at once, so don't worry if things look incomplete. When this is done there'll be no more TabContents in chrome code. Code in content will continue using TabContents directly per the link above, since just like with the WebKit API, implementation code doesn't use the interface object.
Almost all of the changes will be trivial (switching objects and callers from TC to WC) and will be TBR'd. For anything non-trivial, there'll be reviews sent to the OWNERS if necessary.