103 messages from Google Code

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Mar 16, 2012, 1:45:59 PM3/16/12
to chromi...@chromium.org
Your project notifications generated too many emails to send
individually. Here are the subject lines of the emails you would have

Re: Issue 118621 in chromium: Detached tab dragging broke on trunk
Re: Issue 118347 in chromium: Google chrome hangs with consuming ~ 100 % of
CPU right after its launch.
Re: Issue 116974 in chromium: Failure to load/persist cookies due to
corrupt meta-table
Re: Issue 118148 in chromium: Hang inside of
Re: Issue 118322 in chromium: Common window resizer does not resize the
right window when moved to the left
Re: Issue 118338 in chromium: Chrome hangs with 100% CPU use when quitting
Re: Issue 118148 in chromium: Hang inside of
Re: Issue 118622 in chromium: Chrome_ChromeOS: Crash Report - Stack
Signature: aura::RootWindow::ReleaseMouseMoves-d054dd8...
Re: Issue 116262 in chromium: Bookmark Duplicates Appear (with encrypt all)
Re: Issue 116952 in chromium: No search engine set as default
Re: Issue 118615 in chromium: Title bar opacity is distracting
Re: Issue 118358 in chromium: unexpected address line behaviour
Re: Issue 111638 in chromium: SwiftShader fails to load
Re: Issue 118545 in chromium: Search key broken
Re: Issue 85671 in chromium: Terrible usability with the "it looks like
you've moved" infobar
Re: Issue 118572 in chromium: Turn on tab sync by default for M19 dev
Re: Issue 81795 in chromium: Add Izenpe EV OIDs to your own list
Re: Issue 110130 in chromium: Uber system tray menu
Re: Issue 112835 in chromium: Valgrind reports a bunch of use-after-frees
in WorkerFileSystemTest.AsyncOperations
Re: Issue 118417 in chromium: Improve render surface culling
Re: Issue 118466 in chromium: Figure out if DumpWithoutCrashing is working.
Re: Issue 85851 in chromium: Back button single click may go back 1,2,3 or
4 pages with one click
Re: Issue 118283 in chromium: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack
Signature: v8::Object::SetHiddenValue(v8::Handle<v8::S...
Re: Issue 115395 in chromium: Yahoo Mail not refreshing the email list in
Chrome 17.0.963.xx
Re: Issue 118192 in chromium: Painting interaction with impl-animations
Re: Issue 116262 in chromium: Bookmark Duplicates Appear (with encrypt all)
Re: Issue 115395 in chromium: Yahoo Mail not refreshing the email list in
Chrome 17.0.963.xx
Re: Issue 115395 in chromium: Yahoo Mail not refreshing the email list in
Chrome 17.0.963.xx
Re: Issue 118000 in chromium: Ash: New tab button hit test area is too tall
Re: Issue 114912 in chromium: Bookmarks duplicated as well as renamed
to "encrypted"
Re: Issue 118000 in chromium: Ash: New tab button hit test area is too tall
Re: Issue 115100 in chromium: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack
Signature: v8::internal::JSReceiver::Lookup(v8::intern...
Re: Issue 115460 in chromium: Bad DNS server with --enable-async-dns on Win7
Re: Issue 112856 in chromium: Ignore VM adapters in DnsConfigServiceWin
Re: Issue 115494 in chromium: Would be nice to expose current DnsConfig to
Re: Issue 117155 in chromium: Add overdraw metrics to paint/draw culling
Re: Issue 118323 in chromium: Window order wrong when using magnetized
Issue 118623 in chromium: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack Signature:
Issue 118624 in chromium: DevTools: adding new style rule causes an error
Re: Issue 116989 in chromium: Initial tab contents size is wrong when
bookmark bar is disabled, in aura.
Issue 118625 in chromium: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack Signature:
v8::internal::FreeList::Free(unsigned char ...
Re: Issue 116989 in chromium: Initial tab contents size is wrong when
bookmark bar is disabled, in aura.
Re: Issue 118621 in chromium: Detached tab dragging broke on trunk
Re: Issue 118423 in chromium: Mouse cursor changes on press over web content
Re: Issue 113293 in chromium: Assertion hit during two-finger/wheel scroll
on Google results
Issue 118626 in chromium: about:tracing summary container falls below the
Re: Issue 117209 in chromium: Ash: uber tray should animate between state
Re: Issue 118092 in chromium: Ash: Make active window header slightly
Re: Issue 115491 in chromium: Maps GL crashes and Chrome can't recover from
the error
Re: Issue 117999 in chromium: Tooltips showing up during drag and drop
Re: Issue 118596 in chromium: Graphical errors over entire screen.
Re: Issue 109671 in chromium: enable barrel roll demo mode in Aura
Re: Issue 118596 in chromium: Graphical errors over entire screen.
Issue 118627 in chromium: Printing page breaks not correct
Re: Issue 117837 in chromium: Remove CHECKs in TextureImageTransportSurface
Re: Issue 117957 in chromium: two-finger scrolling doesn't work on settings
Re: Issue 118043 in chromium: Missing plug-in when using Flapper
Re: Issue 118596 in chromium: Graphical errors over entire screen.
Re: Issue 117999 in chromium: Tooltips showing up during drag and drop
Re: Issue 114301 in chromium: Add a deeper memory profiling mechanism
Re: Issue 102562 in chromium: Aura: Custom Web Cursor support
Re: Issue 109884 in chromium: Re-enable CheckXEventForConsistency CHECK_EQs
Re: Issue 117603 in chromium: ash: Chrome is tooltip-happy
Re: Issue 102562 in chromium: Aura: Custom Web Cursor support
Re: Issue 73120 in chromium: webpage renders very slowly in the renderer.
Re: Issue 118322 in chromium: Common window resizer does not resize the
right window when moved to the left
Re: Issue 111587 in chromium: Enable per-tile painting in browser
Issue 118628 in chromium: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack Signature:
SkCanvas::LayerIter::LayerIter(SkCanvas *,b...
Re: Issue 117473 in chromium: Chromoting should carry clipboards between
clients and hosts.
Re: Issue 114690 in chromium: 'Esc' key doesn't close 'send to picasa'
Issue 118629 in chromium: [uber page] Close overlay needs to update URL
Re: Issue 114690 in chromium: 'Esc' key doesn't close 'send to picasa'
Re: Issue 116974 in chromium: Failure to load/persist cookies due to
corrupt meta-table
Re: Issue 118615 in chromium: Title bar opacity is distracting
Re: Issue 118355 in chromium: setting currentTime of webm video has no
Re: Issue 116313 in chromium: Ash: should be able to go to 0 browser windows
Re: Issue 116937 in chromium: Cannot close "select a file to open" dialog
by ESC
Re: Issue 112009 in chromium: PlatformCanvas constructors a large
percentage of paint times
Re: Issue 110130 in chromium: Uber system tray menu
Re: Issue 114690 in chromium: 'Esc' key doesn't close 'send to picasa'
Re: Issue 106139 in chromium: REGRESSION: Facebook widgets failed
when "Block third-party cookies from being set" and "Allow all sites to
show pop-ups" are selected.
Re: Issue 118451 in chromium: Dialogs opened from Settings page are hidden
Re: Issue 117096 in chromium: [Regression] Tab Strip is missing context menu
Re: Issue 117097 in chromium: Pop-up windows are not recognized as separate
Re: Issue 117209 in chromium: Ash: uber tray should animate between state
Re: Issue 118528 in chromium: Something tried to change default search
Re: Issue 117213 in chromium: Ash: Spacing/ordering issues of icons in uber
Issue 118630 in chromium: Chrome freezes on top of anything else on
fullscreen video
Re: Issue 117237 in chromium: Move Add User / Sign out to bottom left &
update assets
Re: Issue 118630 in chromium: Chrome freezes on top of anything else on
fullscreen video
Re: Issue 118192 in chromium: Painting interaction with impl-animations
Re: Issue 118349 in chromium: [uber page] Dialogs no longer vertically
align correctly.
Re: Issue 117244 in chromium: Can't switch back to Background_Image mode
after switch to Background_Solid_Color mode
Re: Issue 117263 in chromium: Subpixel rendering color fringes are fairly
noticeable on many external displays
Re: Issue 117237 in chromium: Move Add User / Sign out to bottom left &
update assets
Re: Issue 118623 in chromium: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack
Signature: v8::internal::JSObject::PrepareElementsForS...
Re: Issue 118625 in chromium: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack
Signature: v8::internal::FreeList::Free(unsigned char ...
Re: Issue 117815 in chromium: Window translucent in launcher
Re: Issue 118111 in chromium: When App in Full Screen mode - background
Re: Issue 118574 in chromium: But, this is not right way to treat like me
Re: Issue 118596 in chromium: Graphical errors over entire screen.
Re: Issue 118596 in chromium: Graphical errors over entire screen.
Re: Issue 100898 in chromium: Convert Canvas to use Point and Rect, remove
DrawLine and DrawRect


Mar 16, 2012, 7:32:22 PM3/16/12
to chromi...@chromium.org
Your project notifications generated too many emails to send
individually. Here are the subject lines of the emails you would have

Re: Issue 114671 in chromium: Add DIP support to views
Re: Issue 118325 in chromium: Ash: Window frame hover effect
Re: Issue 114023 in chromium: reloading a page with a NaCl module leaks
Issue 118693 in chromium: Chrome leaks installed extensions to all websites
Re: Issue 60691 in chromium: Media resource loading doesn't handle
non-streaming files without a Content Length (chunked)
Re: Issue 110945 in chromium: [uber page] Add setting for natural scrolling
Re: Issue 108202 in chromium: Idea for improving the extension permission
upgrade flow
Re: Issue 118329 in chromium: New tcmalloc causing virtual memory
Re: Issue 118692 in chromium: performance regression in
xp-release-dual-core/moz in vm_peak_b
Re: Issue 103977 in chromium: Pin Chrome to Windows 7 taskbar after
Re: Issue 118120 in chromium: Pointer Settings empty on Lumpy
Re: Issue 103128 in chromium: Migrate active-downloads tests to WebUI
gtest-style tests
Re: Issue 118413 in chromium: Ash: grid size should differ at the edges
Re: Issue 105732 in chromium: Implement registerContentHandler()-type
functionality via Web Intents
Re: Issue 118655 in chromium: ProfileImplIOData::~ProfileImplIOData
triggers the destruction of a Timer on a background thread
Re: Issue 117451 in chromium: base/timer.h design can lead to spamming the
MessageLoop with orphaned tasks
Re: Issue 118655 in chromium: ProfileImplIOData::~ProfileImplIOData
triggers the destruction of a Timer on a background thread
Re: Issue 116145 in chromium: Unable to undo installed theme
Issue 118694 in chromium: RSS feed box shakes
Re: Issue 118366 in chromium: Chrome does not send close_notify messages
Re: Issue 118325 in chromium: Ash: Window frame hover effect
Re: Issue 118439 in chromium: "Save As" not working
Re: Issue 118349 in chromium: [webkit] Height element changes on scrolled
page causes failure
Re: Issue 118450 in chromium: Settings page not scrolling up on hiding
advanced settings
Issue 118695 in chromium: Cursor skips a line in between two
contenteditable false elements inside contenteditable true area
Re: Issue 118638 in chromium: Scroll bar disappears on Settings page once
any dialog box is opened
Re: Issue 118366 in chromium: Chrome does not send close_notify messages
Re: Issue 118211 in chromium: Extension 'Evernote Clipper' drop-down shows
up but empty
Re: Issue 118211 in chromium: Extension 'Evernote Clipper' drop-down shows
up but empty
Re: Issue 118235 in chromium: System endlessly checks for update when
update is available
Re: Issue 118687 in chromium: Ash: maximized app maximize buttons don't
have the new hotness
Re: Issue 118562 in chromium: Certificate selection window broken since
around ~17.something
Re: Issue 93932 in chromium: Races and overlaps in
Re: Issue 116695 in chromium: Form field drop down moves away from input
Re: Issue 118349 in chromium: [webkit] Height element changes on scrolled
page causes failure
Re: Issue 118638 in chromium: Scroll bar disappears on Settings page once
any dialog box is opened
Re: Issue 118455 in chromium: libjingle: Delete called on class without
virtual destructor
Re: Issue 118468 in chromium: REGRESSION: Flickering is seen when
closing 'Content Settings' window
Re: Issue 118274 in chromium: Search engine drop down and "Manage search
engines" window are empty
Re: Issue 118455 in chromium: libjingle: Delete called on class without
virtual destructor
Re: Issue 118562 in chromium: Certificate selection window broken since
around ~17.something
Re: Issue 118179 in chromium: Cros sign in screen: cursor vanishes when Esc
is pressed
Re: Issue 116549 in chromium: SelectBox popups don't retain a touch lock
Re: Issue 117067 in chromium: Getting blank screen on pressing ctrl+shift+l
when the "Password changed" sync dialog is shown

Re: Issue 118581 in chromium:

MediaDeviceNotificationsLinuxTest.MultiDevicesOneMountPoint fails under
Issue 118696 in chromium: Merge autofill_times table into autofill
Re: Issue 118454 in chromium: Desktop back ground is seen at the top while
viewing the browser in Fullscreen

Re: Issue 118111 in chromium: When App in Full Screen mode - background

Re: Issue 118190 in chromium: GPU WebGL - Unresponsive dialog shown when
Lorenz Attractor experiment is launched
Re: Issue 115655 in chromium: WebGL apparently breaks position:relative
Re: Issue 117560 in chromium: Chrome crashes when switching from VT2
Re: Issue 118693 in chromium: Chrome leaks installed extensions to all
Re: Issue 102594 in chromium: login screen username field auto-shifts
Re: Issue 118695 in chromium: Cursor skips a line in between two
contenteditable false elements inside contenteditable true area

Re: Issue 118581 in chromium:

MediaDeviceNotificationsLinuxTest.MultiDevicesOneMountPoint fails under
Re: Issue 115967 in chromium: browser_tests not really showing anything on
screen in Aura
Issue 118697 in chromium: WebGL conformance tests hang
Re: Issue 116871 in chromium: Jumbled Screen on opening new tabs
Re: Issue 116821 in chromium: FishIE doesn't reach 60 fps with Chrome while
it does with Firefox
Re: Issue 102335 in chromium: "Enter" in omnibox should dismiss virtual
Re: Issue 118477 in chromium: Bidi RTL check failed on chrome://help-frame
on ChromeOS
Re: Issue 118629 in chromium: [uber page] Close/show overlays doesn't work
Re: Issue 118693 in chromium: Chrome leaks installed extensions to all
Re: Issue 118468 in chromium: REGRESSION: Flickering is seen when
closing 'Content Settings' window
Re: Issue 117106 in chromium: Could not install
Re: Issue 113727 in chromium: Zoom on NTP doesn't enlarge text on Windows
Re: Issue 118075 in chromium: Command line flags details missing on About
Re: Issue 117800 in chromium: Improve JSON.parse() error messages
Re: Issue 118075 in chromium: Command line flags details missing on About
Issue 118698 in chromium: Table with
Re: Issue 116538 in chromium: Differentiate GestureScrollUpdate for
trackpad or touchscreen
Re: Issue 117671 in chromium: [uber page] Open Settings from "Recently
closed" on NTP
Re: Issue 118274 in chromium: Search engine drop down and "Manage search
engines" window are empty
Re: Issue 66140 in chromium: Chrome Web Store icon not visible in collapsed
App section
Re: Issue 117529 in chromium: chrome.history.deleteUrl deletes not typed in
Re: Issue 118698 in chromium: Table with
Re: Issue 114403 in chromium: Rendering bug and clipping occurs when
transitioning a 3D rotation applied via -webkit-transform
Issue 118699 in chromium: Window does not restore from fullscreen properly
Re: Issue 118693 in chromium: Chrome leaks installed extensions to all
Re: Issue 106763 in chromium: Rework DOMStorage to not depend on the WEBKIT
thread in the browser process.
Re: Issue 118686 in chromium: performance regression in
xp-release-dual-core/morejs times/t (13.62%)
Issue 118700 in chromium: Unable to delete the last user correctly
Re: Issue 118700 in chromium: Unable to delete the last user correctly
Issue 118701 in chromium: Repaint glitch with borders
Re: Issue 117619 in chromium: Preferred networks dialog does not show if
the network is shared or non-shared.
Re: Issue 29307 in chromium: some task manager memory fields don't work for
Re: Issue 107296 in chromium: Get Synthesized GL Errors from Pepper
Re: Issue 88601 in chromium: Add support for GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean
Re: Issue 89944 in chromium: Tooltips pop-up on the background window even
Modal dialog is displayed.
Re: Issue 118007 in chromium: Ensure extension download requests carry
authentication cookies/tokens
Re: Issue 113395 in chromium: New Tab page font fail
Re: Issue 109107 in chromium: Extensions and other data not
syncing: "Failed to create Extensions node"
Re: Issue 117568 in chromium: Screen flickers indefinitely while browsing
some webpages
Re: Issue 115797 in chromium: garbled text on YouTube when Per-tile
painting is enabled
Re: Issue 117180 in chromium: chrome-os builders should have swap disabled
Re: Issue 118692 in chromium: performance regression in
xp-release-dual-core/moz in vm_peak_b
Re: Issue 118515 in chromium: Sync: Repeated ASP renewal requests
Re: Issue 111660 in chromium: Extension popup cannot obtain focus
Re: Issue 118029 in chromium: After downloading an item it cannot be used /
Re: Issue 105042 in chromium: Network authentication dialog should have
primary button on the left on CrOS
Re: Issue 118698 in chromium: Table cells with 0 width show up when printing
Re: Issue 118689 in chromium: Gmail user can't send email to
tarpo-hiraoka.com users, when email address is pasted from chrome
Re: Issue 103645 in chromium: The popup didn't disapper after
click "Certificate information" or any other place other than "what do
these mean?" link


Mar 16, 2012, 9:37:18 PM3/16/12
to chromi...@chromium.org
Your project notifications generated too many emails to send
individually. Here are the subject lines of the emails you would have

Issue 118707 in chromium: Key events are lost

Re: Issue 118700 in chromium: Unable to delete the last user correctly

Re: Issue 117032 in chromium: Significant delay on 'mousemove' event with
GPU acceleration
Re: Issue 117032 in chromium: Significant delay on 'mousemove' event with
GPU acceleration
Re: Issue 118541 in chromium: Content exceptions dialog may be too narrow
Re: Issue 118697 in chromium: WebGL conformance tests hang

Re: Issue 117800 in chromium: Improve JSON.parse() error messages

Re: Issue 115797 in chromium: garbled text on YouTube when Per-tile
painting is enabled

Re: Issue 117560 in chromium: Chrome crashes when switching from VT2

Issue 118708 in chromium: Set Wallpaper dialog should show four images in a
Re: Issue 113353 in chromium: Tab Completion not working in developer tools
Issue 118709 in chromium: Set Wallpaper Dialog is missing X at top right
Re: Issue 117229 in chromium: Theme is't installed completely.

Re: Issue 114403 in chromium: Rendering bug and clipping occurs when
transitioning a 3D rotation applied via -webkit-transform

Issue 118710 in chromium: Change order of wallpapers
Issue 118711 in chromium: Supplying a windowId to chrome.tabs.highlight
should be optional
Re: Issue 118711 in chromium: Supplying a windowId to chrome.tabs.highlight
should be optional
Re: Issue 118709 in chromium: Set Wallpaper Dialog is missing X at top right
Re: Issue 118541 in chromium: Content exceptions dialog may be too narrow
Re: Issue 111636 in chromium: PPAPINaClTest.WebSocket_CcInterfaces fails on
Re: Issue 118697 in chromium: WebGL conformance tests hang
Issue 118713 in chromium: Text Highliight in tab content is wrong color
Issue 118714 in chromium: Add preference for "natural scroll" in Aura Chrome

Re: Issue 116695 in chromium: Form field drop down moves away from input

Re: Issue 117067 in chromium: Getting blank screen on pressing ctrl+shift+l
when the "Password changed" sync dialog is shown

Re: Issue 118268 in chromium: Add a separate set of socket pools for
WebSocket connections
Re: Issue 116572 in chromium: Eliminate CanvasSkia in favor of gfx::Canvas
Issue 118715 in chromium: Can't drag-n-drop Bookmarks in Bookmark Manager
Re: Issue 118340 in chromium: Compute/report overdraw metrics on a sample
of the frames
Re: Issue 118340 in chromium: Compute/report overdraw metrics on a sample
of the frames

Re: Issue 117671 in chromium: [uber page] Open Settings from "Recently
closed" on NTP

Re: Issue 118693 in chromium: Chrome leaks installed extensions to all

Re: Issue 118615 in chromium: Title bar opacity is distracting

Re: Issue 105739 in chromium: Remove all references to AuthWatcher
Re: Issue 106262 in chromium: Too many GetTime Calls to the server
Re: Issue 110954 in chromium: Sync's ServerConnectionManager maintains
useless state variables
Re: Issue 98346 in chromium: Sync's AllStatus is often misleading
Re: Issue 110805 in chromium: Remove SimpleDataSource
Re: Issue 117611 in chromium: Add debug tools for inspecting a user's
signed in state
Re: Issue 110805 in chromium: Remove SimpleDataSource

Re: Issue 118693 in chromium: Chrome leaks installed extensions to all

Issue 118716 in chromium: Google Chrome randomly shuts down unexpectedly

Re: Issue 93932 in chromium: Races and overlaps in

Re: Issue 117671 in chromium: [uber page] Open Settings from "Recently
closed" on NTP

Re: Issue 118693 in chromium: Chrome leaks installed extensions to all

Re: Issue 117671 in chromium: [uber page] Open Settings from "Recently
closed" on NTP
Re: Issue 117671 in chromium: [uber page] Open Settings from "Recently
closed" on NTP

Re: Issue 93932 in chromium: Races and overlaps in

Re: Issue 98716 in chromium: Create Content API
Re: Issue 117301 in chromium: Input Access Code Needs Focus
Re: Issue 117301 in chromium: Input Access Code Needs Focus
Issue 118717 in chromium: PathProviderMac returns wrong path for
DIR_SOURCE_ROOT if you run test as ./test
Re: Issue 118704 in chromium: When waiting for device to launch, hitting
brightness or dim keys causes text jumbling to appear
Re: Issue 110309 in chromium: Chrome won't play certain mp3 files.
Re: Issue 50491 in chromium: Chrome sandbox instability on Windows 7
Enterprise 64-bit
Issue 118719 in chromium: Webapp logs key-presses.
Re: Issue 118340 in chromium: Compute/report overdraw metrics on a sample
of the frames

Re: Issue 118192 in chromium: Painting interaction with impl-animations

Issue 118720 in chromium: Chrome 18.0.1025.108 beta-m "Aw, Snap!" with
Trusteer Rapport

Re: Issue 118192 in chromium: Painting interaction with impl-animations

Re: Issue 118693 in chromium: Chrome leaks installed extensions to all

Re: Issue 93932 in chromium: Races and overlaps in

Re: Issue 118707 in chromium: Key events are lost

Re: Issue 118693 in chromium: Chrome leaks installed extensions to all

Re: Issue 117564 in chromium: new ppapi interface to show dialog box
Re: Issue 101609 in chromium: facebook page shows a big blue bar...

Re: Issue 110130 in chromium: Uber system tray menu

Re: Issue 118719 in chromium: Webapp logs key-presses.
Issue 118721 in chromium: Extensions resources can be fetched across
Re: Issue 109346 in chromium: Blue banding on NTP
Re: Issue 113210 in chromium: Black line appear in new tab page
Re: Issue 118721 in chromium: Extensions resources can be fetched across

Re: Issue 100898 in chromium: Convert Canvas to use Point and Rect, remove
DrawLine and DrawRect

Re: Issue 118693 in chromium: Chrome leaks installed extensions to all

Re: Issue 118693 in chromium: Chrome leaks installed extensions to all
Re: Issue 117456 in chromium: Tweak sign in UIs for M18 stable

Re: Issue 118693 in chromium: Chrome leaks installed extensions to all

Re: Issue 102433 in chromium: Unable to hide "Most Visited" or "Apps" tabs
in release 15
Re: Issue 102433 in chromium: Unable to hide "Most Visited" or "Apps" tabs
in release 15
Re: Issue 98413 in chromium: No way to disable print preview! -- it breaks
PDF accessing/printing

Re: Issue 118693 in chromium: Chrome leaks installed extensions to all

Re: Issue 118192 in chromium: Painting interaction with impl-animations

Re: Issue 117214 in chromium: Ash: spacing issues with text in uber tray
status items
Issue 118722 in chromium: Build bzip2 as a DLL
Re: Issue 102626 in chromium: Mac system print dialog takes a long time to
Issue 118723 in chromium: Build libxml as a DLL
Issue 118724 in chromium: Make chrome_common a separate DLL
Re: Issue 118722 in chromium: Build bzip2 as a DLL
Re: Issue 118724 in chromium: Make chrome_common a separate DLL
Re: Issue 118723 in chromium: Build libxml as a DLL

Re: Issue 100898 in chromium: Convert Canvas to use Point and Rect, remove
DrawLine and DrawRect

Issue 118725 in chromium: test bug
Re: Issue 118725 in chromium: test bug

Re: Issue 118211 in chromium: Extension 'Evernote Clipper' drop-down shows
up but empty

Re: Issue 118573 in chromium: Memory leaks in GData
Re: Issue 118705 in chromium: Change Wallpaper from Background
Re: Issue 118573 in chromium: Memory leaks in GData
Issue 118726 in chromium: test bug
Re: Issue 118573 in chromium: Memory leaks in GData
Re: Issue 118705 in chromium: Change Wallpaper from Background
Re: Issue 118688 in chromium: Add frame hash support to
Re: Issue 117768 in chromium: Finer granularity of synchronizing GPU
process task completion.
Re: Issue 118705 in chromium: Change Wallpaper from Background


Mar 22, 2012, 2:52:34 PM3/22/12
to chromi...@chromium.org
Your project notifications generated too many emails to send
individually. Here are the subject lines of the emails you would have

Re: Issue 119261 in chromium: Control-Enter incorrectly acts as enter
completing omnibox search instead of adding www.X.com
Re: Issue 119455 in chromium: Scrolling on digg.com leaves blue line across
the screen
Re: Issue 119467 in chromium: InvalidationNotifierTest.Basic failed on OSX
Re: Issue 119465 in chromium: --enable-threaded-compositing crashes
Re: Issue 115125 in chromium: Refused to execute a JavaScript script.
Source code of script found within request. XSS filter false positives
Re: Issue 90465 in chromium: Chase page gets loaded in the background and
shows up in the foreground upon cancelling to enter the proxy password

Re: Issue 88601 in chromium: Add support for GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean

Re: Issue 119008 in chromium: Re-enable GamepadService
Re: Issue 119262 in chromium: Chrome Flash crash
Re: Issue 110645 in chromium: RenderWidgetHost::WasHidden is called twice
on each tab switch on Aura
Re: Issue 119467 in chromium: InvalidationNotifierTest.Basic failed on OSX
Re: Issue 114507 in chromium: Using Esc and mouse double click disables
Full Screen feature
Re: Issue 119397 in chromium:
passwords.PasswordTest.testDisplayAndSavePasswordInfobar failed on windows

Re: Issue 116952 in chromium: No search engine set as default

Re: Issue 117439 in chromium: border-image looks wrong when zooming
Re: Issue 119397 in chromium:
passwords.PasswordTest.testDisplayAndSavePasswordInfobar failed on windows
Re: Issue 119277 in chromium: "Smooth scrolling" disables mouse wheel
scroll of in-page divs
Re: Issue 119437 in chromium: REGRESSION: false favicon on gmail (no number
of new mails)
Re: Issue 118243 in chromium: Don't trigger OnPassphraseRequired unless a
passphrase is really required
Re: Issue 117012 in chromium: Aura: Unable to drag and drop bookmarks
Re: Issue 118713 in chromium: Text Highliight in tab content is wrong color
Re: Issue 117624 in chromium: Implement memory management for accelerated
front and back buffers on mac
Re: Issue 43166 in chromium: Greek letters wrongly converted to lowercase
Re: Issue 116807 in chromium: Default Profile Crashes Around 10 Seconds
After Launch
Re: Issue 119437 in chromium: REGRESSION: false favicon on gmail (no number
of new mails)
Re: Issue 119080 in chromium: window.innerHeight and window.outerHeight
return the same value in Aura
Re: Issue 119279 in chromium: Chrome unable to import bookmarks from
Re: Issue 119437 in chromium: REGRESSION: false favicon on gmail (no number
of new mails)
Re: Issue 119304 in chromium: Task manager Fails to launch
Re: Issue 119505 in chromium: HistoryExtensionApiTest.MiscSearch fails if
indexing takes too long
Issue 119522 in chromium: Unable login from lock screen
Re: Issue 118755 in chromium: REGRESSION: Extension buttons visual
corruption and incorrect badges (and download button corruption)
Re: Issue 119365 in chromium: pixel soup results from mousing extension
Re: Issue 110620 in chromium: Chrome_Mac: Crash Report - Stack
Signature: WebCore::TiledLayerChromium::prepareToUpdat...
Issue 119523 in chromium: xp intl1 results now much more flaky on or after
Re: Issue 119395 in chromium: Chrome crash while attempting to open a gtalk
contact in gmail (gtalk plugin issue?)
Re: Issue 119395 in chromium: Chrome crash while attempting to open a gtalk
contact in gmail (gtalk plugin issue?)
Re: Issue 113385 in chromium: Aw Snap whem playing HTML5 video.
Re: Issue 110620 in chromium: Chrome_Mac: Crash Report - Stack
Signature: WebCore::TiledLayerChromium::prepareToUpdat...
Re: Issue 119177 in chromium: Div with contenteditable jump-scrolls
Re: Issue 119404 in chromium: Shockwave player continously crashes.
Re: Issue 68804 in chromium: Siebel High Interactivity Framework is IE-only
Re: Issue 14099 in chromium: Ctrl-Enter does not properly put "www."
and ".com" on address bar

Re: Issue 116952 in chromium: No search engine set as default

Re: Issue 119261 in chromium: Control-Enter incorrectly acts as enter
completing omnibox search instead of adding www.X.com
Re: Issue 118670 in chromium: Options-2-page: The close button is
highlighted too early and has no clicking state when clicked on it.
Re: Issue 119279 in chromium: Chrome unable to import bookmarks from
Re: Issue 119522 in chromium: Unable login from lock screen
Re: Issue 119405 in chromium: M18 - Print preview page is not working
Re: Issue 119333 in chromium: Can't initiate a File drag-and-drop from
Issue 119524 in chromium: Plugin-in Unresponsive dialog shows up when tried
to open flash enabled web pages.

Re: Issue 111587 in chromium: Enable per-tile painting in browser

Re: Issue 119349 in chromium: Page Unresponsive: when right click on video
and keep it for few seconds
Re: Issue 119415 in chromium: "New tab" button has no image
Re: Issue 98264 in chromium: Feed back on look of new tab button (the one
that's missing the plus sign)
Re: Issue 119167 in chromium: Need to add (optional) compose key to
keyboard layouts
Re: Issue 119488 in chromium: Not drawing new tab page when opening lots of
windows on ChromeOS
Re: Issue 119523 in chromium: xp intl1 results now much more flaky on or
after r123144
Re: Issue 119124 in chromium: Logout unsuccessful.
Re: Issue 119522 in chromium: Unable login from lock screen
Re: Issue 119436 in chromium: Can't log in at lock screen
Re: Issue 45209 in chromium: Feature request: Ability to screenshot whole
tab, not just visible section
Re: Issue 119405 in chromium: M18 - Print preview page is not working
Re: Issue 119128 in chromium: Current Beta : System print dialog box
instead of print preview when trying to print
Re: Issue 119524 in chromium: Plugin-in Unresponsive dialog shows up when
tried to open flash enabled web pages.
Re: Issue 119432 in chromium: Page actions show up unregular
Re: Issue 119523 in chromium: xp intl1 results now much more flaky on or
after r123144
Re: Issue 119524 in chromium: Plugin-in Unresponsive dialog shows up when
tried to open flash enabled web pages.
Issue 119526 in chromium: Mouse pointer loss while loading
Re: Issue 110158 in chromium: Crash in GoogleURLTracker::Observe
Re: Issue 110620 in chromium: Chrome_Mac: Crash Report - Stack
Signature: WebCore::TiledLayerChromium::prepareToUpdat...
Re: Issue 119395 in chromium: Chrome crash while attempting to open a gtalk
contact in gmail (gtalk plugin issue?)
Re: Issue 116442 in chromium: Chrome_Mac: Crash Report - Stack
Signature: WebCore::TiledLayerChromium::prepareToUpdat...
Re: Issue 119405 in chromium: M18 - Print preview page is not working
Re: Issue 119440 in chromium: [IndexedDB] Crash when putting Uint8Array
into object store with keyPath.
Re: Issue 116442 in chromium: Chrome_Mac: Crash Report - Stack
Signature: WebCore::TiledLayerChromium::prepareToUpdat...

Re: Issue 103977 in chromium: Pin Chrome to Windows 7 taskbar after

Re: Issue 116788 in chromium: Selected text is invisible
Re: Issue 119436 in chromium: Can't log in at lock screen
Re: Issue 117012 in chromium: Aura: Unable to drag and drop bookmarks
Re: Issue 119480 in chromium: gmail.com and various sites crash after Mac
OS X update 10.6.8
Re: Issue 102705 in chromium: ClusterFuzz: b c d
Re: Issue 110994 in chromium: Chrome: Crash Report - Stack
Signature: WebCore::ContentLayerPainter::paint(WebCore...
Re: Issue 102705 in chromium: ClusterFuzz: b c d
Re: Issue 119489 in chromium: 2 finger swipe back forward broken with
Enable threaded compositing
Re: Issue 119523 in chromium: xp intl1 results now much more flaky on or
after r123144
Re: Issue 119340 in chromium: Status area visible even when the device is
in Kiosk Mode.
Re: Issue 119524 in chromium: Plugin-in Unresponsive dialog shows up when
tried to open flash enabled web pages.
Issue 119527 in chromium: Controls for html5 video not working correctly
Re: Issue 99419 in chromium: Crash in WebCore::TextureManager::hasTexture
Re: Issue 112165 in chromium: regression: HTML Canvas patterns are broken
if you change the transformation matrix
Re: Issue 119403 in chromium: net/ should not depend on chrome/ or sync/
Re: Issue 119462 in chromium: Plug-in failing to load shouldn't
say "Missing Plug-in"
Re: Issue 119340 in chromium: Status area visible even when the device is
in Kiosk Mode.
Re: Issue 119502 in chromium: New apps launcher task bar too sensitive/not
smart about when user trying to chat in Gmail/edit photos

Re: Issue 108202 in chromium: Idea for improving the extension permission
upgrade flow

Re: Issue 16705 in chromium: User Data Grows Too Large (~2GB)
Issue 119528 in chromium: Different solutions should build to the same
output directory in VS2010
Re: Issue 119496 in chromium: Apps on desktop too small-- truncating names
of apps
Re: Issue 118003 in chromium: Windows Host crashes when trying to generate
access code
Re: Issue 119523 in chromium: xp intl1 results now much more flaky on or
after r123144
Re: Issue 119465 in chromium: --enable-threaded-compositing crashes
Re: Issue 32699 in chromium: Error after reloading unpacked extension!

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