Chrome App Builder produces Invalid App

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D Sherwin

Jul 10, 2018, 2:28:21 AM7/10/18
to Chromium-Apps-Announce
I have followed the instructions with the Chrome App Builder to build a basic Kiosk app, even using the example where it just goes to  Cut and paste their example.  And then I published that app using my account.  When I go into the "Manage Kiosk Applications" on my Chrome base and put in the application ID for that basic example, it still comes back as "Invalid Application".  Now I know my ChromeBase is setup to successfully run a kiosk application because I have used the Novisign app ID as a test and it works successfully.  So the ChromeBase is not in question, it is the app.  So by what criteria is the "Manage Kiosk Applications" using to determine whether an app is valid or not?  If I run it locally using the "Load Unpacked" option, it runs successfully, but obviously not in Kiosk mode.  When I publish it, and I publish it under Unlisted and not Private, it is still showing up as Invalid. And to any of the programmers out there, just an error message of Invalid Application is grotesquely unuseful.  At least tell me WHY it is invalid for heavens sake.  So what is the criteria for a valid Kiosk Application?????



Aug 2, 2018, 9:45:45 PM8/2/18
to Chromium-Apps-Announce
"name": "テストアプリケーション",
"version": "1.1",
"manifest_version": 2,
"icons": {
"128": "icon_128.png"
"app": {
"background": {
"scripts": [ "background.js" ],
"persistent": false
"sockets": {
"udp": {
"send": "*",
"bind": "*"
"tcp": {
"connect": "*:*"
"offline_enabled": true,
"permissions": [
"kiosk_enabled": true

2018年7月10日火曜日 15時28分21秒 UTC+9 D Sherwin:

Mads Vöge

Aug 7, 2018, 5:27:04 AM8/7/18
to Chromium-Apps-Announce
Hi Dan,

did you have any luck with this.

We encounter the exact same problem. App's registered before som point in time between May and beginning of July was accepted. Copied app's (with new name) get "invalid id", sample application get invalid id ....


Dan Sherwin

Aug 7, 2018, 2:34:35 PM8/7/18
to Mads Vöge, Chromium-Apps-Announce
No, no luck.  My only saving grace was that I had an initial prototype app I was working under a different account that was registered before that timeframe.  Anything else after that will not work.


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Mads Vöge

Aug 8, 2018, 3:49:33 AM8/8/18
to Dan Sherwin, Chromium-Apps-Announce
Hi Dan

I did the same!

Also found out yesterday, that it works on managed devices (Chrome entreprise, enrollment ...). So I guess thats the future.


From: Dan Sherwin <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2018 8:34:24 PM
To: Mads Vöge
Cc: Chromium-Apps-Announce
Subject: Re: [cws-apps] Chrome App Builder produces Invalid App
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