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Will there be an announcement prior to opening of Web Store?

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Dec 2, 2010, 3:24:30 PM12/2/10
to Chromium Apps
It would be good to get some kind of a notification of the opening
date at least a few days prior to the opening of the store. Can we
expect that to occur, or will it just suddenly be open? TIA.

Gregor Hochmuth

Dec 2, 2010, 4:10:29 PM12/2/10
to Carl, Chromium Apps
Hi Carl,

While we have nothing new to announce right now, we will send a reminder prior to the launch so that developers can revisit the apps they've published to make edits & improvements before the store opens its doors for everyone. 


Gregor Hochmuth ··· Product Manager, Chrome Web Store ··· Google
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