Quarterly Test Ownership Report for chromium-accessibility@chromium.org - Q3 2023

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Aug 30, 2023, 6:29:54 PM8/30/23
to chromium-ac...@chromium.org

You are receiving this email because you are listed as a contact alias on one or more Tast or Tauto tests.  Please review the information below and verify that it is correct.  If anything is NOT correct, please update the source code for those tests.  Reply to this email if you have any questions, are unable to edit the source code, or if you need to make a large number of changes and are interested in tool-assisted editing.

If you are internal to Google, you can find information about querying test metadata yourself here: http://go/cros-test-metadata-table.

This email alias is listed as the primary contact on the following 12 tests:
Test NameContactsCriteria
tast.policy.AccessibilityPolicies.autoclickchromium-ac...@chromium.orgChecks set values for the Accessability polices in the chrome.accessibilityFeatures map
tast.policy.AccessibilityPolicies.caret_highlightchromium-ac...@chromium.orgChecks set values for the Accessability polices in the chrome.accessibilityFeatures map
tast.policy.AccessibilityPolicies.cursor_highlightchromium-ac...@chromium.orgChecks set values for the Accessability polices in the chrome.accessibilityFeatures map
tast.policy.AccessibilityPolicies.docked_magnifierchromium-ac...@chromium.orgChecks set values for the Accessability polices in the chrome.accessibilityFeatures map
tast.policy.AccessibilityPolicies.focus_highlightchromium-ac...@chromium.orgChecks set values for the Accessability polices in the chrome.accessibilityFeatures map
tast.policy.AccessibilityPolicies.high_contrastchromium-ac...@chromium.orgChecks set values for the Accessability polices in the chrome.accessibilityFeatures map
tast.policy.AccessibilityPolicies.large_cursorchromium-ac...@chromium.orgChecks set values for the Accessability polices in the chrome.accessibilityFeatures map
tast.policy.AccessibilityPolicies.screen_magnifierchromium-ac...@chromium.orgChecks set values for the Accessability polices in the chrome.accessibilityFeatures map
tast.policy.AccessibilityPolicies.select_to_speakchromium-ac...@chromium.orgChecks set values for the Accessability polices in the chrome.accessibilityFeatures map
tast.policy.AccessibilityPolicies.spoken_feedbackchromium-ac...@chromium.orgChecks set values for the Accessability polices in the chrome.accessibilityFeatures map
tast.policy.AccessibilityPolicies.sticky_keyschromium-ac...@chromium.orgChecks set values for the Accessability polices in the chrome.accessibilityFeatures map
tast.policy.AccessibilityPolicies.virtual_keyboardchromium-ac...@chromium.orgChecks set values for the Accessability polices in the chrome.accessibilityFeatures map

Thank you for helping to keep test ownership data fresh!

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