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Does not Report desktop for years

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Sep 20, 2024, 9:04:31 AM9/20/24
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions)
hi guys,

I hope you are all doing fine, 

do you know why Desktop is never reported? 

It works for phone but for desktop looks This report is broken ?


❄ Johannes Henkel

Sep 20, 2024, 1:47:16 PM9/20/24
to Dani, Chrome UX Report (Discussions)
Most likely reason is that it may not have a sufficient amount of desktop traffic for it to be included.

If you wanted to get such numbers anyways, you could measure the core web vitals with a real user monitoring (RUM) tool.

Although ... I'm thinking the "Diagnose Performance Issues" section of PageSpeed Insights ( already looks pretty good for this page (not collected from real users but simulated instead), so maybe it'd be more important to drive traffic to the site / work on other aspects of the product experience (other than web performance) first, then check back in a while?

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Danijel Bumbar

Sep 20, 2024, 4:30:37 PM9/20/24
to ❄ Johannes Henkel, Chrome UX Report (Discussions)
Hello Johannes,

thank you for your reply, I just installed webvitals from this page

I hope that will do it... but I havent seen that it sends request to the the API back to Chrome, just got some console outputs after like 20seconds when the page loaded.
Do you know what is going on?


❄ Johannes Henkel

Sep 20, 2024, 5:04:02 PM9/20/24
to Danijel Bumbar, Chrome UX Report (Discussions)
You're right, just by itself web vitals won't send API requests.

But you can use its hooks to send such requests to a RUM (Real User Monitoring) / Analytics package of your choice. The page you pointed to has instructions for that.

If you don't have a RUM yet ... you could try Google Analytics, again, the page has some instructions for that, and there's also a code lab for it here
I have not tried this myself (I just searched ... but the screenshot for step 4 in particular looks promising. :-)

Getting a RUM package installed for your site, whether it's Google Analytics or another one, may allow you to learn interesting things about your users which can be very useful for making a good website. It's not limited to performance measurements.

Barry Pollard

Oct 1, 2024, 2:57:30 PM10/1/24
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Johannes Henkel, Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Dani
To clarify here, since it seems from the other thread you still have concerns.

Not all sites are in CrUX. Our eligibility criteria are listed here:

Unfortunately this means we are unable to provide some sites with CrUX data if they don't meet that eligibility criteria (for example if there is not enough traffic from logged in Chrome users who have agreed to share data with us). As these are evaluated per dimension, for some sites we may be able to provide Phone data, but not Desktop data (or vice versa). That looks to be the case here, where we have occasional phone data, but no desktop data to make public.

There is nothing you can "do"  to fix this per se (short of getting more traffic but I've no idea how to help with that!), it's just we don't have enough data to be able to share it in the public CrUX dataset.

What Johannes was suggesting is that if you are still interesting in understanding performance insights without CrUX, then you can collect these metrics yourself with a RUM solution (including commercial offerings or using our web-vitals.js library to send data to Google Analytics or another collection end point). This will still not make you eligible for CrUX data for desktop so it's not a fix for that, it's just a way for you understanding your performance without CrUX.


Danijel Bumbar

Oct 1, 2024, 4:03:03 PM10/1/24
to Barry Pollard, Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Johannes Henkel
Hi Barry,

yes I understand that, thanks for letting me know.

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