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[CrUX Announce] The 202411 dataset is live

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'Barry Pollard' via Chrome UX Report (Announcements)

Dec 10, 2024, 10:12:47 AM12/10/24
to 'Barry Pollard' via Chrome UX Report (Announcements)

Hi CrUX users,

This is your monthly announcement that the latest dataset has been published to BigQuery.

The 202411 (November 2024) dataset is now available and it covers 18,580,809 origins, a decrease of 1.2% over last month. Here's a look at origins' Core Web Vitals performance this month:

  • 65.6% of origins (↑ 0.1%) had good LCP

  • 78.0% of origins (↓ 0.2%) had good CLS

  • 85.9% of origins (~ 0.0%) had good INP

  • 51.2% of origins (~ 0.0%) had good LCP, CLS and INP

As a reminder for those not waiting to wait for the monthly data on the second Tuesday of the month, the recently released CrUX Vis tool updates weekly.

Another quiet month this month, with not too much CrUX news. However, on the web performance side, there’s a few things of interest that touch on CrUX:

  • Our colleagues over at PageSpeed Insights changed the mobile throttling to account for the slow servers this runs on for the lab Lighthouse score. This does not affect the CrUX field data, nor other Lighthouse runs (only PageSpeed Insights). More details in my posts on Twitter, LinkedIn or Bluesky.

  • The Web Performance community is running its annual Web Performance Calendar, with a new post a day on interesting web performance topics. Check out those posts, or contact Stoyan if you want to contribute. Not seen too many CrUX mentions yet, but we’ll see if that changes.

  • And finally, I mentioned the Web Almanac last month with a lot of CrUX data. Well they will be hosting a free live stream in a few hours to discuss some of the findings in that chapter.

Other than that we’ll catch you in 2025 for more CrUX updates and news!



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