If the report tables were smaller and more aggregated, we would not have to scroll down the page for each report.

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nubar sefa Yılmaz

Nov 9, 2024, 8:44:33 PM11/9/24
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions)
If the report tables were smaller and more aggregated, we would not have to scroll down the page for each report. It would be better if we see them all together on one page. I received reports for the https://vandilekhaliyikama.com domain name and it seemed very complicated.

❄ Johannes Henkel

Nov 10, 2024, 7:24:42 PM11/10/24
to nubar sefa Yılmaz, Chrome UX Report (Discussions)
Hi Nubar,

Could you please let us know which report you're referring to? Is this the "Schedule delivery" feature in CrUX Dashboard (Lookerstudio)?
In all of our tools, we do have the high-level / most important data toward the beginning / near the top of the user interrface, e.g., in the CrUX Dashboard, it starts with the page for the three "Core Web Vitals".
Likewise in PageSpeed Insights and for CrUX Vis. Perhaps you can elaborate a bit on your feedback?

Thank you,

On Sat, Nov 9, 2024 at 12:44 PM nubar sefa Yılmaz <nuba...@gmail.com> wrote:
If the report tables were smaller and more aggregated, we would not have to scroll down the page for each report. It would be better if we see them all together on one page. I received reports for the https://vandilekhaliyikama.com domain name and it seemed very complicated.

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