Whether my used case impacts INP ? How to measure INP for a newly developed web page

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Meet Kumar Jain

Apr 3, 2024, 5:24:07 AMApr 3
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions)
Query is - We have delayed incoming Cookie consent manager script by 3 seconds in order to improve upon the overall LHS of my page. And we do not want my embed videos to play until and unless end user click on cookie consent and Accept afer 3 seconds. 

Hence, so that customer does not click on my embed YT videos on my page, I have marked that embed block only as Unclickable till the time Cookie Consent Manager pops up which is 3 seconds.

Hence the question is that will this impact IMP of my site since just a small embed portion of webpage is unclickable just for initial 3 seconds. 

If it does then what shall be the best practices here ? 



Barry Pollard

Apr 3, 2024, 5:36:27 AMApr 3
to Meet Kumar Jain, Chrome UX Report (Discussions)
Technically an unclickable area should have a low INP.

However, regardless of the INP impact this sounds like a pretty poor user experience. If you really need the consent, then I would suggest bringing forward that cookie consent banner as soon as the user clicks on the video rather than making them needlessly wait up to 3 seconds for that to happen.

Lighthouse Scores (is this what you mean by LHS?) and INP are meant to be tools to improve UX and you should always consider the user over tooling. I really doubt that any of the gains to keeping Lighthouse or INP happy, but at the expense of your users, will lead to better outcomes for your website.

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