LHS tracking for https://www.elkay.com/us/en.html - something not right

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Meet Kumar Jain

Jun 21, 2024, 5:34:15 PMJun 21
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions)
Hello TEAM, 

If we check the LHS for the site - https://www.elkay.com/us/en.html

We are seeing 403 in the Performance section & "View Treemap" . Something is not right. Please advise. 

When checked lighthouse via Google chrome extension - then its score is around 55. 



❄ Johannes Henkel

Jun 21, 2024, 7:17:42 PMJun 21
to Meet Kumar Jain, Chrome UX Report (Discussions)
This mailinglist is about the crux report, not so much LightHouse. Plase treat my response regarding this with some grain of salt. :-)

I'd think that the webserver or cdn that responds to the request that PageSpeed insight's internal lighthouse is making responds with 403 (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/403), perhaps based on ip address or user agent or something similar.
Whereas, when you run lighthouse yourself, it responds differently - things work.
So I guess if you have control over this server, you could examine why / when it responds with 403 and unblock that, e.g. by looking at server logs and changing the config.

Either way - the lighthouse score you were able to record without the blockage would be more meaningful.

The field data in PagesPeed Insights (the upper part of the report you linked) is meaningful as well. It does not include the 403s - this is described in https://developer.chrome.com/docs/crux/methodology#page-eligibility: "If page is publicly discoverable for some users, but returns a non-success HTTP status in some circumstances, then those experiences won't be included in CrUX".

Good wishes.

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