Community Connect Error

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Padma Chintamaneni

Jul 17, 2020, 4:50:40 AM7/17/20
to chrome-ux-report
Hi , 

I'm unable to populate the crux report / neither am I able to see the data in the crux report .Seems like it is connectivity issue .Can this be fixed ASAP ?

Jul 17, 2020, 11:47:51 AM7/17/20
to chrome-ux-report
I'm having the same issue, any word?

Jul 17, 2020, 11:55:58 AM7/17/20
to chrome-ux-report
Hi same error here

Rick Viscomi

Jul 17, 2020, 12:22:06 PM7/17/20
to chrome-ux-report,
Hi everyone,

Apologies for the inconvenience. I've just cleared the cache and it seems to be working locally for me now.

Could you all retry and let me know if you're still encountering this error?


Shahid Abbasi

Oct 1, 2020, 1:53:00 AM10/1/20
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Rick Viscomi,
I can not send my url to CrUX chrome-ux-report, i received an error message. 

Error: Community connector error: There are over 4 million origins in this dataset, but is not one of them! Have you tried adding 'www' or 'http' to your origin? If the problem persists report an issue with the connector owner. 

Can you please help me?

Rick Viscomi

Oct 1, 2020, 6:10:15 PM10/1/20
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Shahid Abbasi
Hi Shahid,

I looked for any origins to ever be in the dataset from the "" domain and didn't find anything:

  NET.REG_DOMAIN(origin) = ''

For an origin to be included in the dataset, it must be both popular and publicly discoverable, according to our docs. Is it possible that this website doesn't get a lot of Chrome traffic, or could it be new?


Growfusely Clients

Oct 1, 2020, 10:09:05 PM10/1/20
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Rick Viscomi, Shahid Abbasi
Hi Rick,

Thank you for the reply.

Yes, my website is not much popular.

However, I wanted to prepare speed audit report with the help of CRuX connector. If you can suggest alternatives than it will be much appreciated.

Thanks again,

Rick Viscomi

Oct 1, 2020, 10:25:29 PM10/1/20
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Growfusely Clients, Rick Viscomi, Shahid Abbasi
I'd recommend using PageSpeed Insights to conduct an automated performance review of your page using Lighthouse: And when your website becomes more popular, its field data would also start appearing in the report for comparison.

Shahid Abbasi

Oct 1, 2020, 10:31:56 PM10/1/20
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Rick Viscomi, Shahid Abbasi
Thank you, Rick for the suggestion. I will do in that way.

I am not that much tech friendly, if there is any guide to perform automated performance review with lighthouse then it will help me a lot.

Rick Viscomi

Oct 2, 2020, 10:48:26 AM10/2/20
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Shahid Abbasi, Rick Viscomi

A great place to start is although this resource is quite technical. There is also the Lighthouse documentation at to help explain what the audits are testing for and how to resolve issues.

Hope that helps.

Jean-Pierre Vincent

Oct 9, 2020, 7:12:05 AM10/9/20
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Rick Viscomi
Hi Rick
I'm too having the "Community Connect Error" in the DataStudio, on the domain

This query in BigQuery does send results though :

SELECT  p75_fp, p75_fcp, p75_dcl, p75_fid, p75_lcp, p75_ttfb, origin, country_code, yyyymm, device
FROM `chrome-ux-report.materialized.country_summary`
WHERE origin in ('')
AND yyyymm > 202005
--AND device = 'phone'
and country_code in ('us', 'fr', 'jp')

My initial understanding was that if a domain can be found in BigQuery, it should be available into DataStudio because it is popular enough (on Chrome).
Any idea on what's going on here ?

Thanks in advance

Rick Viscomi

Oct 9, 2020, 10:53:40 AM10/9/20
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions),, Rick Viscomi
Hi JP,

You're right that the CrUX Dashboard should support all origins in BigQuery, so this may have been a temporary issue with Data Studio. The link above works for me, so hopefully it works for you now.


Jean-Pierre Vincent

Oct 14, 2020, 2:38:30 AM10/14/20
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Rick Viscomi, Jean-Pierre Vincent
Yes, it does work, thank you
Have you done anything special or it was just bad luck for me ?

Rick Viscomi

Oct 14, 2020, 12:10:13 PM10/14/20
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions),

Ok great. We clear the cache after each release, so maybe that fixed the issue.

Vladimir Zakharenko

Nov 3, 2020, 9:14:24 AM11/3/20
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Rick Viscomi
Hi Rick
I'm too having the "Community Connect Error" in the DataStudio, on the domain
Please check.

среда, 14 октября 2020 г. в 19:10:13 UTC+3, Rick Viscomi:

Rick Viscomi

Nov 3, 2020, 10:12:33 AM11/3/20
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions),, Rick Viscomi

That origin appears to be working for me:
Screen Shot 2020-11-03 at 10.11.12 AM.png

Could you try using the "Refresh Data" button at the top and see if that helps clear it up on your end?


Vladimir Zakharenko

Nov 4, 2020, 3:01:02 AM11/4/20
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Rick Viscomi
Yes, it does work now. Thank you.

вторник, 3 ноября 2020 г. в 18:12:33 UTC+3, Rick Viscomi:

Asif Raza

Nov 7, 2020, 2:10:19 PM11/7/20
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions),, Rick Viscomi
Same Issue Here...Please Help
Community Connector Error

There was an error caused by the community connector. Please report the issue to the provider of this community connector if this issue persists.

Connector details

There are over 4 million origins in this dataset, but is not one of them! Have you tried adding 'www' or 'http' to your origin?

Error ID: f74b0665

Rick Viscomi

Nov 9, 2020, 2:26:16 PM11/9/20
to Asif Raza, Chrome UX Report (Discussions),
Hi Asif,

This seems to be working as intended. As the error message says, your website isn't in the dataset. We're unable to give specific reasons why the website isn't included, but for more general info about error messages like this, see the PageSpeed Insights FAQ:

Why is the real-world Chrome User Experience Report speed data not available for an origin?

Chrome User Experience Report aggregates real-world speed data from opted-in users and requires that an origin's root page must be public (crawlable and indexable) and have sufficient number of distinct samples that provide a representative, anonymized view of origin’s performance across all URLs that are visited on that origin.

Fabio Devin

Mar 14, 2021, 3:22:27 PM3/14/21
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions),, Chrome UX Report (Discussions)
My site throws the "There are over 4 million origins in this dataset, but is not one of them! Have you tried adding 'www' or 'http' to your origin?" . It's a fairly old site with some decent traffic, including organic traffic. Of course is not in the top 4 million in traffic, so maybe that's teh reason, but curious how a site that Google knows and tracks is unknown to crUX

Ellen Jhone

Nov 4, 2024, 8:27:34 AMNov 4
to Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Fabio Devin,, Chrome UX Report (Discussions)

  My website,, displays an error message stating: 'This dataset includes over 40k origins, but isn’t one of them! Have you tried using "www" or "http" in the URL?'"  

Barry Pollard

Nov 4, 2024, 8:30:55 AMNov 4
to Ellen Jhone, Chrome UX Report (Discussions), Fabio Devin,
Yes that site is not in the dataset. Not all sites are. The next part of that error message should explain the eligibility criteria.

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