The 202412 dataset is live

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Barry Pollard

Jan 14, 2025, 3:51:51 PMJan 14
to 'Barry Pollard' via Chrome UX Report (Announcements)

Hi CrUX users,

This is your monthly announcement that the latest dataset has been published to BigQuery.

The 202412 (December 2024) dataset is now available and it covers 17,397,672 origins, a decrease of 6.4% over last month.

Here's a look at origins' Core Web Vitals performance this month:

  • 66.0% of origins (↑ 0.7%) had good LCP

  • 77.6% of origins (↓ 0.6%) had good CLS

  • 85.0% of origins (↓ 1.0%) had good INP

  • 51.0% of origins (↓ 0.4%) had good LCP, CLS and INP

We usually see a high variability with the December data—we have seen the same every year since CrUX launched. Given the high variability it's difficult to attribute any of these moves to any particular causes and we expect most numbers to revert back next month (again as they mostly have in previous years). Therefore, we won't try to explain these movements this month.

There are no major announcements for this month, but we did add the collection period dates to PageSpeed Insights that we hope you find useful.



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