The 202312 dataset is live

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Barry Pollard

9 jan 2024, 15:42:409 jan
aan 'Barry Pollard' via Chrome UX Report (Announcements)

Hi CrUX users,

Happy New Year all and apologies for the slight delay in this announcement. Taking a bit of effort to get back in the swing of things. Am sure we're not the only ones!

This is your monthly announcement that the latest dataset has been published to BigQuery.

The 202312 (December 2023) dataset is now available and it covers 17,323,447 origins, a decrease of 5.2% over last month. Such a swing in origins is usual for December. Here’s a look at origins' Core Web Vitals performance this month:

  • 60.4% of origins (↑ 1.0%) had good LCP

  • 95.9% of origins (↓ 0.1%) had good FID

  • 76.4% of origins (↑ 0.2%) had good CLS

  • 48.0% of origins (↑ 1.2%) had good LCP, CLS and FID

  • 79.0% of origins (↓ 0.3%) had good INP

  • 44.4% of origins (↑ 1.1%) had good LCP, CLS and INP

Most metrics improved this month with the exception of a very slight decrease in FID and INP. Increases and decreases in pass rates were most likely impacted by the larger than usual swing in origins this month rather than any changes that we are aware of.

We are releasing a form_factors metric for the CrUX API and the CrUX History API. This metric is reported when formFactor is not specified as an input, that is, when requesting statistics for the overall origin or URL. In this case, we report the fraction of the page loads in the CrUX dataset that came from desktop, phone, and tablet—and in the CrUX History API we report a timeseries of these fractions. We think this data is often useful for further understanding the changes in overall performance of a site over time and for identifying opportunities. Note that in CrUX BigQuery, this information was already available (e.g. see [desktop|phone|tablet]Density in the metrics_summary table) and the CrUX Dashboard displays the desktop / phone / tablet fractions in its “Device Distribution” page. 

Rick Viscomi also has worked on a couple of INP-related changes this month for the pending INP graduation to replace FID in March:

  • The Core Web Vitals Tech Report now includes a preview of the CWV pass rates when INP takes effect in March. This is labeled CWV (‘24).

  • PageSpeed Insights now highlights with a warning icon sites that are currently passing Core Web Vitals, but with failing INP (and so will move to failing after INP replaced FID).



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