The 202410 dataset is live

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Barry Pollard

Nov 12, 2024, 1:21:43 PM11/12/24
to 'Barry Pollard' via Chrome UX Report (Announcements)

Hi CrUX users,

This is your monthly announcement that the latest dataset has been published to BigQuery.

The 202410 (October 2024) dataset is now available and it covers 18,814,228 origins, a decrease of 0.6% over last month. Here's a look at origins' Core Web Vitals performance this month:

  • 65.5% of origins (↑ 0.2%) had good LCP

  • 78.2% of origins (~ 0.0%) had good CLS

  • 85.9% of origins (↑ 0.2%) had good INP

  • 51.2% of origins (↑ 0.3%) had good LCP, CLS and INP

After a slew of updates in recent months, this was a quieter month with no major changes that we are aware of, and that’s reflected in the numbers being roughly similar to last month—though most are still increasing slightly!

As a reminder for those not waiting to wait for the monthly data on the second Tuesday of the month, the recently released CrUX Vis tool updates weekly.

For the community shout outs this month, we'd like to spotlight the 2024 Web Almanac which published its first 12 chapters yesterday, many of them making use of the CrUX dataset. (Full disclosure, some of the CrUX team were involved in helping with this project)

Plus lots more stats from many other topics! Check out the 2024 Web Almanac.



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