The 202101 dataset is live

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❄ Johannes Henkel

no llegida,
11 de febr. 2021, 13:45:0411/2/21

Hi CrUX users,

This is your monthly announcement that the latest dataset has been published to BigQuery.

The 202101 (January 2021) dataset is now available and it covers 8,185,540 origins. Here's a look at origins' Core Web Vitals performance this month:

  • 47.81% of origins had good LCP

  • 89.28% of origins had good FID

  • 50.25% of origins had good CLS

  • 23.71% of origins had good LCP, FID, and CLS

If you have any questions about CrUX, feel free to reach out to us on any of these channels:


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