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Chrome UX Report (Announcements)
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The 202106 dataset is live
210 lượt xem
Chuyển tới thư đầu tiên chưa đọc
Rick Viscomi
chưa đọc,
21:39:50 13 thg 7, 2021
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đến Chrome UX Report (Announcements)
Hi CrUX users,
This is your monthly announcement that the latest dataset has been published to BigQuery.
(June 2021) dataset is now available and it covers 8,416,608 origins. Here's a look at origins' Core Web Vitals performance this month:
50.6% of origins had
good LCP
93.0% of origins had
good FID
61.0% of origins had
good CLS
30.6% of origins had
good LCP, FID, and CLS
Some important product updates in this release to make you aware of:
to the FID metric took effect in Chrome 91, resulting in improved FID experiences involving double-tap-to-zoom on mobile.
The Web Vitals extension for Chrome
now includes field data
from the CrUX API.
And we have one community resource to highlight this month:
Core Web Vitals Technology Report
is a project I worked on with HTTP Archive. It's a dashboard that lets you see how websites grouped by common technologies perform, for example
compare CWV performance for the top CMSs
If you have any questions about CrUX, feel free to reach out to us on any of these channels:
on Google Groups
on Twitter
questions tagged with
on StackOverflow
on GitHub
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