Extended Stable and Omaha Proxy

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Scott Whalley

Dec 14, 2021, 8:02:10 PM12/14/21
to bran...@chromium.org

We noticed that Extended Stable only releases are not shown on Omaha Proxy.  Are there plans to add Extended Stable?



Scott Whalley

Edge Release Management Lead

Alex Mineer

Dec 15, 2021, 6:05:21 PM12/15/21
to Scott Whalley, bran...@chromium.org
We currently aren't planning to update Omaha Proxy to account for Extended Stable; this is because we're working to incorporate all Omaha Proxy functionality into Chromium Dash (and other supporting APIs), and turn Omaha Proxy down once that process is complete. I don't expect that transition to occur soon, and we'll be sharing more details once we have a finalized plan, but I'm tentatively hoping the Omaha Proxy turndown is complete by the end of next year.

In the meantime, you can find Extended Stable release details here in a UI, and here & here in API form depending on what level of detail you're looking for. The VersionHistory API is likely solid, the Chromium Dash API equivalent is subject to change between now and the Omaha Proxy turndown.

Hope this helps, holler if you have further questions.


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Scott Whalley

Dec 15, 2021, 7:01:29 PM12/15/21
to branches, ami...@google.com, bran...@chromium.org, Scott Whalley
This is very helpful.  Thanks for the quick response.


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