h...@chromium.org, agp...@chromium.org, top...@chromium.org, gui...@chromium.org
Add features to the WebRTC Encoded Transform API that allow manipulating audio and video frame metadata Background: A number of use cases have been identified that require the manipulation of WebRTC encoded media without decoding them first. These include: - Sending data that has been encoded previously - Sending data that has been received in encoded form - Receiving data in encoded form and forwarding it.
In particular, we want to support the use case of glitch-free forwarding of media coming from multiple redundant peer connections that provide the same media payloads but with different metadata.
The original full spec was reviewed by TAG here: https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/531
No TAG review has been requested for this incremental change, since it is a small addition and its API surface might change as a result of feedback from the origin trial and ongoing discussions in the WebRTC working group.
Interoperability risk: There is the risk that other browsers will not implement this feature. We try to mitigate this risk by providing a detailed specification of the new behavior and discussing it in the WebRTC working group, so that it becomes part of the encoded transform spec, which currently has consensus. Compatibility test: This is a new feature intended to support a new use case. It introduces no breaking changes, so we do not expect any compatibility issues.
Gecko: No signal
WebKit: No signal
Web developers: No signals.
Other signals:
This feature is an extension to WebRTC Encoded Transform, which itself is an extension to WebRTC/RTCPeerConnection.
No new security risks identified.
Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
Our goal is to validate that the proposed API can support the intended use case. More specifically, we want to confirm using setMetadata() can help achieve glitch-free forwarding of media using redundant input peer connections in real-world settings.
No. Currently tested using unit and web tests. WPTs will be added once the final API shape is confirmed.
Currently guarded by a Blink RuntimeEnabledFeature: RTCEncodedFrameSetMetadata.
Intent to prototype: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/x2ZACgXrqp0
LGTM to experiment from 118 to 123 inclusive.
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