[INFORMATION PLEASE] Chrome 94 is Coming: Tell Us What's Shipping

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Joe Medley

Jul 30, 2021, 3:07:03ā€ÆPM7/30/21
to blink-dev, Chrome Media Leads, šŸ” Fugu Leads

ChromeĀ 93 beta is planned for beta on AugustĀ 26. Developer Relations needs information to help us plan. We want a complete list of everything inĀ ChromeĀ beta for theĀ beta post. We try when possible to haveĀ articles for important new features on web.dev.

Please let me know of anything that might be shipping inĀ ChromeĀ 94 orĀ 95. I don't care if it's a new API, a bug to add a missing interface member, a spec change or whatever. I need to know all of it. If you have any questions about this, just ask, or refer to the FAQ in myĀ communication instructions.

Also, please make sure yourĀ ChromeĀ Status entries reflect the currentĀ state of your feature. Origin trial and shipping milestone numbers may be edited by clicking the "Edit all fields" link and scrolling down the page.

The list of what I currently believe to be shipping is inĀ this spreadsheet. For those who can't reach it, here's a summary.

Joe Medley |Ā Technical Writer, Chrome DevRel |Ā jme...@google.comĀ |Ā 816-678-7195
If an API's not documented it doesn't exist.

Asami Doi

Aug 13, 2021, 4:04:28ā€ÆAM8/13/21
to Joe Medley, blink-dev, Chrome Media Leads, šŸ” Fugu Leads
Hi Joe,

SorryĀ for the short notice and "Dedicated workers as service worker clients" will not make it in M94.
We don't have the concrete timeline to release it so I will remove the release version from chrome status.


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