Binds cookies to their setting origin (by default) such that they're only accessible by that origin. I.e., sent on a request or visible through `document.cookie`
Cookies may ease the host and port binding restrictions through use of the `Domain` attribute but all cookies will be bound to their setting scheme.
Cookies are not secure by default. A simple cookie `Set-Cookie: foo=bar` can be accessed by any scheme or port regardless whichever set it originally. This can lead to users' data leaking to attackers or allowing attackers to alter users' state.
By only sending cookies back to the origins that set them (binding them to the origins) we can protect cookies (by default) from untrusted origins.
scheme bound cookies, scheme-bound cookies, origin bound cookies, origin-bound cookies, scheme bound cookie, scheme-bound cookie, origin bound cookie, origin-bound cookie, cookie, cookies
None yet. Related: the review for a similar proposal was positive
As this change explicitly prevents cookies from being accessible between schemes and ports (without use of the `Domain` attribute), any sites relying on that behavior will experience breakage.
Initial metrics show that of cookies sent by Chrome in the 7 days leading to May 23th 2022:
0.39% are between schemes
0.09% are between port values
It’s difficult to convert these metrics into expected breakages as not every cookie that is sent between schemes or ports is needed in that context. However this does give an idea of the upper bound of breakage. Because of the high potential impact, we will be proceeding carefully during an eventual launch, if given LGTMs to ship.
Gecko: No signal
WebKit: No signal
Web developers: No signals
Other signals:
Yes, any WebView applications that access cookies across origins may potentially be affected.
Devtools will be updated to support viewing and editing the new scheme and port components.
Not currently, but web platform tests will be added before launch.
No flags yet.
No milestones specified
Gecko: No signal
WebKit: No signal
Web developers: No signals
Other signals:
WebView application risksYes, any WebView applications that access cookies across origins may potentially be affected.
DebuggabilityDevtools will be updated to support viewing and editing the new scheme and port components.
Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests?Not currently, but web platform tests will be added before launch.
Flag nameNo flags yet.
Requires code in //chrome?False
Tracking bug
Launch bug
Estimated milestonesNo milestones specified
Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status
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Hi Domenic,If I understand correctly you're concerned about how cookies will behave along same-site host boundaries. This proposal does not alter that behavior.A simple cookie `a=b` will currently not be sent to any host other than the one that originally set it. If a developer would like the cookie to be sent to other same-site hosts they need to use the `Domain` attribute e.x.: `a=b;`. This will continue to be the case once/if this proposal is implemented.
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