nbu...@chromium.org, rou...@chromium.org, smcg...@chromium.org, ma...@chromium.org
Three changes to the Secure Payment Confirmation API, implemented and flagged as “V3” of the API.
Add Relying Party ID as a required input (issue). This is a breaking change, see issue and compatibility section.
Add an optional boolean to allow failed instrument icon download (issue).
Add payeeName as an optional input (issue).
Original feature summary: Secure payment confirmation augments the payment authentication experience on the web with the help of WebAuthn. The feature adds a new 'payment' extension to WebAuthn, which allows a relying party such as a bank to create a PublicKeyCredential that can be queried by any merchant origin as part of an online checkout via the Payment Request API using the 'secure-payment-confirmation' payment method.
Closed (Resolution: satisfied)
One of the API changes, the relying party ID input, is a breaking change as it is a new required field. We are confident in this change as the feature is relatively new and has little usage, and we have discussed these changes with the external partners who are using the feature. Adapting to the change is also forwards-compatible, in that partners can add the new input today without breaking their code, and then it will just continue working after this ships.
Gecko: No signal (https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/570) Historically (>1 year old) positive signal from informal conversation in W3C Payment Handler meetings. However Firefox have since not been involved in the API development.
WebKit: No signal (https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2021-August/031956.html)
Web developers: Positive (https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-wg/2021Aug/0005.html) Support and involvement in API development from multiple web developers and payment industry partners. Both Stripe and AirBnB have publicly stated that they have either completed or are in the process of prototyping/experimenting with SPC
Existing devtools debugging features should cover SPC (e.g. breakpoints, console, etc)
Yes, coverage for the new input fields will be added to the existing test suite:
Yes: minor changes to the chrome UI code, to possibly display a placeholder card icon when the new ‘iconMustBeShown’ option is false, and to render the optional payeeName alongside or instead of the payeeOrigin.
API V3 bug: https://crbug.com/1298505
Original feature bug: https://crbug.com/1124927
Original SPC launch bug: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1236570
We believe this is a small enough change to an existing feature that it doesn’t require its own launch bug.
Intent to Prototype v1: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/topic/blink-dev/myUR5gyd5Js/discussion
Intent to Experiment v2: https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/6Dd00NJ-td8
Intent to Ship v2: https://groups.google.com/u/1/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/U5K69fbA6SU
This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status.
Contact emails
nbu...@chromium.org, rou...@chromium.org, smcg...@chromium.org, ma...@chromium.org
Design docs
Three changes to the Secure Payment Confirmation API, implemented and flagged as “V3” of the API.
Add Relying Party ID as a required input (issue). This is a breaking change, see issue and compatibility section.
Add an optional boolean to allow failed instrument icon download (issue).
Add payeeName as an optional input (issue).
Original feature summary: Secure payment confirmation augments the payment authentication experience on the web with the help of WebAuthn. The feature adds a new 'payment' extension to WebAuthn, which allows a relying party such as a bank to create a PublicKeyCredential that can be queried by any merchant origin as part of an online checkout via the Payment Request API using the 'secure-payment-confirmation' payment method.
Blink component
TAG review
TAG review status
Closed (Resolution: satisfied)
Interoperability and Compatibility
One of the API changes, the relying party ID input, is a breaking change as it is a new required field. We are confident in this change as the feature is relatively new and has little usage, and we have discussed these changes with the external partners who are using the feature. Adapting to the change is also forwards-compatible, in that partners can add the new input today without breaking their code, and then it will just continue working after this ships.
How confident are y'all that all SPC users will be aware of this
breaking change? Do we have UKM?
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Thanks Nick, that sounds reasonable. If you do hear back from
sites who were broken by this, it may be useful to update the
thread so we can learn from the experience.
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When are you planning to ship this?